Hallucinogens & the Bible...


Well-Known Member
Then what is the tree of life?... also in genesis... that is the tree we should be seeking.


Well-Known Member
Jesus was trippn on ergot spores ,it came from the moldy wheat bread given to him while on the cross

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I hope you guys are not going to hate on me for all these video feeds from my side of the ocean but ... I have watched this doc on UFO sightings as depicted in the bible .... now, I am willing to bet that ... these UFO sitings are nothing more than hallucinations .... perhaps induced on purpose ... perhaps not.
Again a good watch and on the topic at hand.

Thus here I think of Hallucinations as a form of extraterrestrial reality ... as depicted in the bible.


Vice-Premier Paul Hellyer, Canada - Alien Contact
Canadian EX Military Defence Minister Paul Hellyer Confirms Extra Terrestrial Reality! April 2/10


This is real.
Then what is the tree of life?... also in genesis... that is the tree we should be seeking.
Couldn't remember which one it was. To me they're one in the same. Although I'm probably a bit uneducated on the subject as I don't know much about the bible. I have read a bit on the tree of life. It's definitely a fascinating subject.


Well-Known Member
Jesus said; If therefore your eye be single, your body shall be full of light...
3rd eye perhaps?


Well-Known Member
In biblical times... there was no such thing as technology besides mother nature... if you want to consider her an electronic ;)

I suppose Jesus would laugh at video games and such... why have a WINamp visualizer staring you in your face when you can have it super-imposed within your conscious with psilocybe mushrooms flowing through nature :)


New Member
No. I make my own choice which is more unpredictable due to ever occuring change in dayto day life. Therefore there is absolutly no one that put me here and set my path before i was born. Its non scence. But im not getting into it. To each his own.

Im a scientologist. I need facts

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
No. I make my own choice which is more unpredictable due to ever occuring change in dayto day life. Therefore there is absolutly no one that put me here and set my path before i was born. Its non scence. But im not getting into it. To each his own.

Im a scientologist. I need facts
Scientologist ... as in Tome Cruise ... sientologist ..... lol


Or skeptic/agnostic ..... as in .... in need of scientific facts ??

You sound to me more like an explorer of uncharted waters time !!

Have you ever heard of Aum Shinrikyo ??

Religion does not need a GOD ...
just a good leader.



New Member
well to me religion means praise to a higher diety. i guess i totally agree with no god but a leader. never thought of that! Nice one puffer! but unfortunatly we dont praise a leader but more of a god. without facts, to me cant be real. science science science best subject ever.



Science - Putting a end to all the bullshit
Jesus said; If therefore your eye be single, your body shall be full of light...
3rd eye perhaps?
Or eye as in focus. As in your focus be singular and purposeful, then your "body," or life, will be full of "light," or meaning.

Like Puff said, open to interpretation. :D