halogen lighting?


Well-Known Member
So ive been wondering why nobody ever talks about using halogen lights.. those heavy duty halogen lamp lights, is it because they emit way too much heat?? or are they just not ideal for mj growing?


Well-Known Member
Well the ones I use at work are 300watts and are fucken bright as hell havent measured the lumens or anything.. but the heat given of is way excessive!!so I guess it woulnt be ideal fro MJ
They are just fancy incandescents, anything without a ballast is extremely limited in amount of output (CFLs ballast is just built in). A 42 watt CFL is approx. 2600 lumens whereas a 150 watt halogen is just approx. 1300-1500 lumens and wayyyy hotter


Well-Known Member
You aint kiddin after work I accidentally touched the glass on one of those halogen heavy duty lights and it burned the fuck out of ma finger.. fuck halogens!!