

Active Member
Ok so here's our setup. (Picture 3, 6, and 7).
We decided to order some seeds from Nirvana (very nice and helpful people). We got the seeds in and germinated them. We lovingly named out plants (from left to right in 3,6,&7) Penelope (Pen-a-lope), Sheila, Brandy, Mary Jane, and Carla.
We got feminized seeds for our first grow so we wouldn't have the chance of growing all males.
I read a little bit on the terminology and realized that 24 hour light wasn't a good idea. Now that we've gotten them this big and we're starting 12/12 it's not something that I can change.
Anyway, Carla (picture 1 and 2) was our star performer. She was always taller than the other girls. Well one day we saw that Carla wasn't doing too hot. We kept her going with the other girls but she never seemed to do as well.
We used the SKYY bottle(thoroughly cleaned) to water them while they were in their second pot and now use the 3 L jugg to water them now. We water then every other day.
We give them about a liter each. Carla has always had brown spots on her leaves but we're getting brown spots on most of the other girls now too. Penelope can be seen in pictures 4 and 5.
We're about 3 days into the 12/12 cycle and need to know if we're making good choices or if we need to help them out before they keel over.
Also how long does it usually take to flower?



Well-Known Member
looks like a difficiency of sort.. how close are the lights to your plants? use some bloombuster but only use a 1/4 of the recommended instructions for dilluting!