Hamas offensive against Israel

who knew hell will get filled, by all these famous people,

how can anyone acknowledge Lucifer and practice witchcraft and not realize god who created lucifer is also real. :wall:
thats a special type of stupidity and greed
Benjamin Netanyahu Greeting fellow Mason Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak.jpg
Flag is literally a hexagram (black cube of Saturn).
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Flag is literally a hexagram (black cube of Saturn).
Don't get too excited about this never-ending war, you'll burn out before it does. It is a far more ambiguous struggle than the war in Ukraine. It is essentially a cowboys and Indians type struggle with the Indians largely confined to reservations. The best we can do is make sure the side that claims to obey international law, does so, Hamas can make no such claims and neither than the PLA before it. Ukraine wants to get Russian money seized in the west but will need to go through an international law process to get it and needs to stick to the law of war for allied support too. Storming out of Gaza to commit atrocities on innocent civilians and videoing it to enrage the Israeli's is not in the best interests of the people of Gaza or a responsible act by a legitimate government. The whole world is watching and saw the atrocities from the comfort of their homes, and they are watching the response in this internet and cellphone age. If one side acts like savages, it is no excuse for the other to do the same, otherwise how would we be able to tell the difference between them?
Israel has to be careful here not to lose public support in allied nations by committing genocidal acts. They should have learned a lesson or two from the Ukraine war about the value of PR and following the rules of war and international law. The civilian body count can only go so high before concerns are raised and questions asked, then there are the ubiquitous video cameras witnessing much, even from drones.

The war in Ukraine is a very different from this and is not really comparable IMHO. This is far more comparable to the 2008 Russo-Georgian war, not comparing the groups involved, just the situation. The world didn't really do anything meaningful after shit that happened in 2008, same way this is likely to go. Ukraine needs to maintain positive PR as without support they are done. The IDF warned people to go south, so pressure will also be on Egypt if things get bad enough. No western military power is going to abandon Israel if another country declares war against them, regardless of what happens.
The war in Ukraine is a very different from this and is not really comparable IMHO. This is far more comparable to the 2008 Russo-Georgian war, not comparing the groups involved, just the situation. The world didn't really do anything meaningful after shit that happened in 2008, same way this is likely to go. Ukraine needs to maintain positive PR as without support they are done. The IDF warned people to go south, so pressure will also be on Egypt if things get bad enough. No western military power is going to abandon Israel if another country declares war against them, regardless of what happens.
If the Israelis kill enough civilians either directly or through privation, there will be a limit to the tolerance of their allies in the west as public opinion shifts. PR is important in modern wars since it means either support or sanctions largely depending on public sentiment. We live in a global age with many new things, technology and consequences for breaking international law and the laws of war. Is Israel like Trump? Above the law? It will test their PR to the max and it won't do a thing for them in the Muslim world except make enemies. Will one victim of genocide ironically be the perpetrator of another?
Interview with Ghassan Kanafani, Palestinian resistance PLFP. Still rings true today.

Carleton: 'It does seem that the war, the civil war (in Jordan) has been quite fruitless..

Kanafani interrupts: 'It is not a civil war. It is a people themselves against a fascist government which you are defending just because King Hussain (of Jordan) has an Arab passport. It is not a civil war.'

C: 'Or a conflict..

Kanafani interrupts again: It is not a conflict. It is a liberation movement fighting for justice.

C: 'Well whatever if might be..

Kanafani interrupts again: 'It is not "whatever". Because this is where the problem starts. Because this is what makes you ask all your questions. This is exactly where the problem starts. This is a people who is discriminated is fighting for their rights. This is the story. If you will say it is a civil war then your questions are justified. If it is a conflict then of course it is a surprise to know what is happening.

C: 'Why won't your organization engage in peace talks with the Israelis?'

K: You don't mean exactly "peace talks". You mean capitulation. Surrendering
If the Israelis kill enough civilians either directly or through privation, there will be a limit to the tolerance of their allies in the west as public opinion shifts. PR is important in modern wars since it means either support or sanctions largely depending on public sentiment. We live in a global age with many new things, technology and consequences for breaking international law and the laws of war. Is Israel like Trump? Above the law? It will test their PR to the max and it won't do a thing for them in the Muslim world except make enemies. Will one victim of genocide ironically be the perpetrator of another?
If the IDF told people to go North instead I would agree, as then the blame could not be shared when the humanitarian crisis reaches a point where it can't be ignored. Israel is too important to US interests in the region for the US to abandon support of Israel.

If this is similar to the Russo-Georgian war like I believe it to be, when this is all said and done there will be a few soldiers that get charges brought against them so the world can claim war crimes are still prosecuted and dust their hands off about everything else. Beyond that, nothing will happen, typical when fighting the war against terrorism.

I would imagine the last thing any Israeli is concerned about right now is making more enemies in the Muslim world, which would be completely understandable.
If the IDF told people to go North instead I would agree, as then the blame could not be shared when the humanitarian crisis reaches a point where it can't be ignored. Israel is too important to US interests in the region for the US to abandon support of Israel.

If this is similar to the Russo-Georgian war like I believe it to be, when this is all said and done there will be a few soldiers that get charges brought against them so the world can claim war crimes are still prosecuted and dust their hands off about everything else. Beyond that, nothing will happen, typical when fighting the war against terrorism.

I would imagine the last thing any Israeli is concerned about right now is making more enemies in the Muslim world, which would be completely understandable.
They are forcing civilians south by providing water there and cutting it off in the north, but remember the whole nation is pissed off and so are the soldiers. Hamas made videos for this purpose and their objective is to increase the body count, both Israeli and Palestinian, the more dead Palestinians the better they like it. So, the objective should be to keep civilian casualties to a minimum and keep cameras and the press out, no cell or internet service there either. If it didn't happen on camera, it didn't happen in today's world, half the time when it is on camera it is not believed anyway.
With that attitude nothing will change for the next 1,000 years.

The Beirut leader of the Popular Front is Ghassan Kanafani. He was born in Palestine but fled in 1948, as he puts it, from Zionist terror. Since then, he has been plotting the destruction of both the Zionists and the reactionary Arabs.’

Kanafani: ‘What I know really is that the history of the world is always the history of weak people fighting strong people. Of weak people who have a correct case fighting strong people who use their strength to exploit the weak.’

C: ‘Turn to the fighting that has been going on in Jordan in the recent weeks. Your organization, that has been on one side of the fight, what has it achieved?’

K: ‘One thing: that we have a case to fight for. That is very much. This people, the Palestinian people, prefer to die standing than to lose its case. We achieved proving that the king (of Jordan) is wrong. We achieved proving that this nation is going to continue fighting until victory. We achieved that our people can never be defeated. We achieved teaching every single person in this world that we are a small brave nation who are going to fight until the last drop of blood to put justice for ourselves, after the world failed in giving it to us. This is what we achieved.’

C: ‘It does seem that the war, the civil war (in Jordan) has been quite fruitless…’

Kanafani interrupts: ‘It is not a civil war. It is a people themselves against a fascist government which you are defending just because King Hussain (of Jordan) has a Arab passport. It is not a civil war.’

C: ‘Or a conflict…’

Kanafani interrupts again: ‘It is not a conflict. It is a liberation movement fighting for justice.’

C: ‘Well, whatever if might be…’

Kanafani interrupts again: ‘It is not “whatever”. Because this is where the problem starts. Because this is what makes you ask all your questions. This is exactly where the problem starts. This is a people who is discriminated is fighting for their rights. This is the story. If you will say it is a civil war then your questions are justified. If it is a conflict then of course it is a surprise to know what is happening.’

C: ‘Why won’t your organization engage in peace talks with the Israelis?’

K: ‘You don’t mean exactly “peace talks”. You mean capitulation. Surrendering.

C: ‘Why not just talk?’

K: ‘Talk to whom?’

C: ‘Talk to the Israeli leaders.’

K: ‘That is kind of a conversation between the sword and the neck, you mean?’

C: ‘Well, if there are no swords and no guns in the room, you could still talk.’

K: ‘No. I have never seen any talk between a colonialist and a national liberation movement.’

C: ‘But despite this, why not talk?’

K: ‘Talk about what?’

C: ‘Talk about the possibility of not fighting.’

K: ‘Not fighting for what?’

C: ‘No fighting at all. No matter what for.’

K: ‘People usually fight for something. And they stop fighting for something. So you can’t even tell me why we should speak about what. Why should we talk about stopping to fight?’

C: ‘Talk to stop fighting to stop the death and the misery, the destruction and the pain.’

K: ‘The misery and the destruction the pain and the death of whom?’

C: ‘Of Palestinians. Of Israelis. Of Arabs.’

K: ‘Of the Palestinian people who are uprooted, thrown in the camps, living in starvation, killed for twenty years and forbidden to use even the name “Palestinians”?’

C: ‘They are better that way than dead though.’

K: ‘Maybe to you. But to us, it’s not. To us, to liberate our country, to have dignity, to have respect, to have our mere human rights is something as essential as life itself.

C: ‘You call King Hussain a fascist. Who else amongst the Arab leaders are you totally opposed to?’

K: ‘We consider the Arab governments two kinds. Something we call reactionaries, who are completely connected with the imperialists, like King Hussain government, like Saudi Arabia government, like Moroccan government, Tunisian government. And then we have some other Arab governments which we call the military petit-bourgeoisie governments. That’s like Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Algeria and so on.

C: ‘Just to end with, let me get back to the hijacking of the aircraft. On reflection, do you that is now a mistake?’

K: ‘We did not make a mistake in hijacking in the context. We did one of the most correct things we ever did.
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Flag is literally a hexagram (black cube of Saturn).
In the context of Stephen’s reference to “the star of your god Rephan,” he mentions the golden calf that Israel worshiped at Sinai (Acts 7:39–41). He then says that “God turned away from them and gave them over to the worship of the sun, moon and stars” (verse 42). One of those “stars” they worshiped was the star of Remphan (verse 43). Finally, Stephen points to God’s determination to send Israel into exile in Babylon (verse 43). Stephen’s argument before the Sanhedrin was that the current generation of Israel was just as “stiff-necked” as their ancestors, “always resist[ing] the Holy Spirit!” (verse 51). They had proved their stubbornness in their rejection of Jesus Christ.

When he referred to the “star of your god Rephan,” Stephen was quoting the Greek translation of the Old Testament Scriptures known as the Septuagint, or LXX. This translation by Hebrew scholars was completed about the third century BC. The passage Stephan quotes is Amos 5:26, which in an English translation of the LXX reads, “Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Raephan, the images of them which ye made for yourselves” (tr. by Sir Lancelot Brenton, 1851).

In the Hebrew text of Amos 5:26, the name the LXX translates as “Raephan” is Kiyun, spelled Chiun (KJV), Kaiwan (NLT, CSB), or Kiyyun (ESV), depending on the Bible version. Some versions, such as the NIV, do not transliterate the word at all.

The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia identifies Rephan as “the Babylonian name for the god of the planet Saturn.” The International Standard Bible translates Amos 5:26 as “And you carried the tent of your king—and Saturn, your star god idols that you crafted for yourselves.” Smith’s Bible Dictionary and Easton’s Bible Dictionary also link Rephan (or Remphan) to the god Saturn.

It seems the Babylonians worshiped a god of their own imagination and named him “Kiyun,” whose place in the heavens was as a “wandering star” that they also named “Kiyun” after their god. All the ancient peoples had observed that some stars—in actuality planets—moved through the sky, while other stars—the genuine stars—were fixed. (The Greek term asteres planētai, shortened to just planētai, meant “wandering stars.”) The ancients made no distinction between stars and planets; to them, they were all stars of some type. Thus, Saturn was considered a “star,” and the deity associated with him was a “star-god.”
im trying to get my head around this freemason thing if Putin, bebe, and a whole lot more of the world leaders are masons, working in circles of dark magic, to effect a change in the world order, that means these conflicts are more about sacrificing humans than it is about geo politics, and we are being fooled by all the top world leaders, with their secret handshakes, and vows of silence
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im trying to get my head around this freemason thing if Putin, bebe, and a whole lot more of the world leaders are masons, working in circles of dark magic, to effect a change in the world order, that means these conflicts are more about sacrificing humans than it is about geo politics, and we are being fooled by all the top world leaders, with their secret handshakes, and vows of silence
Meh. Freemasonry is about as real as astrology. Masons like to pretend that they are in possession of powerful and arcane knowledge, but it’s essentially a geek thing, where to belong they memorize reams of nonsense. It’s the world’s biggest and oldest college frat.
Meh. Freemasonry is about as real as astrology. Masons like to pretend that they are in possession of powerful and arcane knowledge, but it’s essentially a geek thing, where to belong they memorize reams of nonsense. It’s the world’s biggest and oldest college frat.
Except they've built cities and civilizations, ruling with tight lips and a hidden hand... Shhhh... ;)

im trying to get my head around this freemason thing
Here's a book of symbols and their ascribed meanings, including the hexagram.
any examples of them building a civilization (third-party account)?
Yes. The United States is one.

"Trenchard’s design of the Great Seal places the Eye of Providence atop an unfinished pyramid with 13 steps. This number is symbolic, as it represents the 13 original British colonies that formed the United States. The two mottos mentioned in Thomson’s description are in Latin, and are as follows, Annuit Coeptis (meaning ‘He [God] has favored our undertakings’, and Novus Ordo Seclorum (meaning ‘a new order of the ages’). The former is placed over the Eye of Providence, whilst the latter under the pyramid. The year of the Declaration of Independence, in the Roman numerals MDCCLXXVI (1776), is found on the bottom step of the pyramid. One of the changes made by Lossing to Trenchard’s design was to replace the right Eye of Providence with a left one, and this has remained ever since. In addition, Lossing’s pyramid, which is rather square, as opposed to Trenchard’s elongated one, is given a deep perspective, and the ground around it is filled with flowers and grass."

"Freemasons have long communicated using visual symbols drawn from the tools of stonemasonry. The “All-Seeing Eye,” or Eye of Providence, while not designed by Masons, has been used by the group to represent the omniscience of God."

You know the ol' saying... "Follow the money"
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Yes. The United States of America (Inc.) is one.
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"Trenchard’s design of the Great Seal places the Eye of Providence atop an unfinished pyramid with 13 steps. This number is symbolic, as it represents the 13 original British colonies that formed the United States. The two mottos mentioned in Thomson’s description are in Latin, and are as follows, Annuit Coeptis (meaning ‘He [God] has favored our undertakings’, and Novus Ordo Seclorum (meaning ‘a new order of the ages’). The former is placed over the Eye of Providence, whilst the latter under the pyramid. The year of the Declaration of Independence, in the Roman numerals MDCCLXXVI (1776), is found on the bottom step of the pyramid. One of the changes made by Lossing to Trenchard’s design was to replace the right Eye of Providence with a left one, and this has remained ever since. In addition, Lossing’s pyramid, which is rather square, as opposed to Trenchard’s elongated one, is given a deep perspective, and the ground around it is filled with flowers and grass."

"Freemasons have long communicated using visual symbols drawn from the tools of stonemasonry. The “All-Seeing Eye,” or Eye of Providence, while not designed by Masons, has been used by the group to represent the omniscience of God."

You know the ol' saying... "Follow the money"
That’s not a civilization; that’s a nation.

Building a civilization means going from flint-knapping tribesmen to bronze-casting townies.
you can lead a horse to water,

or in this case the offspring of a bear and a duck to water :lol:
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Some notable freemasons who signed the DOI including Benje Frank. Which you probably already knew.. but more examples.
download (2).png
Some notable freemasons who signed the DOI including Benje Frank. Which you probably already knew.. but more examples.
not what i would describe as a college frat,