Hang yourself from the Christmas Tree Thread

200mg of hydromorphone and another of cocaine intravenous
pop 40mg of xanax beforehand..bout 60min..
and smoke a blunt while i wait

when i die. lemme go like a viking and surround my body with bricks. with a key in my vest. my favorite double breast
I love humor of all kinds - This is one I can laugh at too. Enjoyed these here... Being a person who actually tried to kill myself it's GOOD to be alive to still be able to enjoy life, get high, have sex (when I find a cool lady again), and eat Mexican food!

I tried hard to end it though pills, whiskey, and fucking up my wrists real bad. The human body can take a LOT of shit before it shuts down. I had to replace the carpet throughout the fucking house due to loosing 4 pints of blood....

I'll never try suicide again - I hate using a razor blade to cut clones with!

On with the jokes~ stay high!

I love your threads Pinworm!
Great story. Totally didn't make me want to actually kill myself or anything.
I plan to wrap myself in xmas lights. I will then lube up my asshole with turkey grease from xmas dinner, climb a ladder to the top of the tree, and sit on the star. Once that's in, I will keep going to see how much tree will fit in my ass before I die. When they find me I'll be the world's strangest tree top ornament. And I'll be giving them the finger. Sounds brutal, but it will be less painful than dinner with the family...
slightly related but not at all but we could reinact this you be the girl

I'ma have someone tie me up and duct tape headphones on and then have to listen to Burl Ives do Holly Jolly Christmas over and over and over and over and,,, until my head explodes.

Hmmm.... suicide.... perhaps I'll buy another small European car and go for a drive in the Irish countryside. Shouldn't be too long before some coffin dodging shit kicker pulls out on me and kills me fucking dead.