Great looking test man, I am very interested in induction lighting and I'm looking forward to seeing what you produce! Depending how my current grow goes with the LED I'm possibly switching out the 2x150 watt hps for induction, anyways I really enjoy theses VS journals and this one is killer!
Depends on your situation if the switch is worth it, but you will get your return on investment cause of the lower watts/longevity and lessened cooling demands if you don't break the bulb
ahhh forgive me for what might have been construed as a backhand to all those students, such as the both of us, who defied the odds and managed to get marketable skills from our days spent toiling in the public school systems of, in my case the 70's. What we did have then that you don't see now are shop classes, woodworking, auto, electronics, agriculture, that peaked our interest to learn more about trade career opportunities. Many of us simply weren't college material. Let's face it, if it weren't for my ag class I would never have dug up my whole back yard and planted weed. It's been a journey ever since.
I barely graduated with a BS in AG business/ very easy major too

............people would be shocked at what the USDA considers "safe"/food crop pesticides/fungicides/herbicides. Not proud of some of the things we applied, but It was a balance of love for growing and profit margins....Not to mention the scary long hot showers afterwards(sounds gay

but it's about the "colorful" chemical runoff's from the skin)...
Psu I just grabbed some sun leaves jamaican guano. Using it with uprising. I think you were right about there not being enough guano in there. But everything else in uprising is great So i'll see how it goes.
I was gone for 2 days. Soil was very dry when I got back. They dried up faster this week. But everything started fading. So thats why I grabbed some more guano.
I can't wait for super soil to be ready.....
P.s. Im a product of public school too.. my grammar skills are poorly due to lazy phone interweb. touchscreen...... Blah blah..... Blahhh
This makes sense to me...........that's why RO came out with all these new powdered/granular guanos recently. They need to adjust their feeding recommendations for the uprising line; growers will get def's 100% without pumping up the dosages. It is not a cheap organic fert line anymore due to the increased applications! But I do agree with you that their ingredients list is good.
Hey, much better result the second time around. I believe I called that
Have you thought about soil-less mix- vermiculite + perlite?..., toss a~ 2"s of lava rock in the bottom as a barrier in case of over watering
I'm going to start a thread on My DIY 21st Century Flood & Drain using Air Pots + lava rock
I'll definitely watch that new thread Pet..........I really like your F&D system, just can't use it in my situation(no res tanks in an apt complex!).....
Petflora, I been thinking along the same lines. I wonder if the airpot will do any different then a cheap netpot?
probably the same results, but lava is heavy.....don't know if those net pots can handle the weight without breaking....
Hey K! I'm also a huge Tesla fan and feel that his contributions to humankind have been woefully under reported. This is a link you may find interesting;!_Ax3H:Z2dc$$6z/
What I like about what Tesla/EFDL left us is that phosphors, in an electrodeless vacuum utilizing an inert gas like argon and a small amount of mercury, relative to HID, inherently offer benefits such as long term spectrum/intensity stability over a bevy of other options for garden lighting that deliver optimum indoor plant development at a fraction of the wattage and lamp replacement costs of HID. What I like about LED is that these spectrum's may be further enhanced where phosphors come up short and specific triggers such as maintaining a 420nm wavelength (??) at the sleep cycle and the current inda-gro Pfr switch with 730nm diodes is taking advantage of the very best these technologies have to offer.
When you consider how much energy is lost to heat with HID lamps and how relatively inefficient the *sun is in consistently meeting the crops optimum DLI I suspect Tesla might be looking down on us and with a wry smile is thinking by gawd Edison I think your HID days are finally numbered.
*100% sunlight → non-bioavailable photons waste is 47%, leaving
53% (in the 400700 nm range) → 30% of photons are lost due to incomplete absorption, leaving
37% (absorbed photon energy) → 24% is lost due to wavelength-mismatch degradation to 700 nm energy, leaving
28.2% (sunlight energy collected by chlorophyl) → 32% efficient conversion of ATP and NADPH to d-glucose, leaving
9% (collected as sugar) → 3540% of sugar is recycled/consumed by the leaf in dark and photo-respiration, leaving
5.4% net leaf efficiency.
great post..............thanks
Thanks Chaz cool link
Well lets not knock the sun too much almost all the energy on the planet came from the sun
Did you know that in something like 1 second the sun emits more energy then all the energy on earth ? It`s really amazing that we still have not used solar power properly yet as it`s totally free.
But we do use solar power all the time too, we burn wood for heat and build things from wood, hell anything we eat comes from energy that almost certainly came from the sun we are solar powered all of us.
I think plants are pretty much the best solar panels on the planet all we have to do is develop a plant that can produce electricity and we are sorted....... lol
I mean many people use molasses or honey over chemical feeds and there made by nature mostly so why don`t we just come up with a system like that to make power ?
Maybe hamster wheels that power a generator is not the best system but it could work lol
I really hate Edison and his bullshit you know that a few years ago 100w incandescent light bulbs were outlawed for domestic use in the EU and everyone ran to the shops to buy them all, but no one seams to want to even try to use a 105w cfl when we all know one of them kicks the ass of a 100w incandescent.
It`s all realted to that early tech war all of it, why early power grids were DC and all that
Still I`d have loved to see Tesla`s electric car, was it western electric that owed him ton`s of money for the AC system patients ? You know it was a fortune and he just let them off of it
It reminds me of the internet how the guy that made it never took a patient out on it because he wanted everyone to be able to use it and how much that has changed the world, well surely Tesla giving away all them AC power patients is just as big of a deal otherwise that plug that powers your computer would not be in your home in the 1st place.
The guy really does not get the credit he should also there`s so many patients of his that people have not read the potential technology that we could be missing out on is huge.
It`s taken over 100 years but I think he`s finally starting to win the tech war.
Jeeze here I got car jacking PSU again lol
Oh I had 2 of the 3 pumps I`m waiting for show up today so by next week I should be able to get 2 dwc boxes set up and a vegging aeroponics to get everything I don`t want to flower off my top tech, I`ll post some pics then and maybe just maybe start my own thread when the girls start to flower, just struggling with time seen as work want to give me sod all hours but want me to work 5 days instead of 4 like I used to.
This kid thought about it and developed something brilliant
Inda-gro`s tubes are made to order by someone in china I think they certainly are not made by them or made in the USA
They maybe the only people that get the exact tubes they use as they may be made under licence for them, but if one needed a replacement tube it would only be a matter of contacting inda-gro or the company that makes inda-gro tubes.
I had to get a replacement tube for a lamp I have I contacted the company in china that made the light and managed to get a 3000k one instead of the 5000k one it came with, put the lamp together myself and it`s working well, they did send the replacement lamp with 2 new inducers on it that saved me a bit of hassle
So if anyone needs a set of inducers ever for a 200w rectangle tube just pm me, saying that unless your break the tube it should be able to run non stop for around 5 years before you`d notice the loss of output and in an ideal world it should keep working for something like 12 years by then they`ll be some other type of new super grow light I`m sure lol.
All T12/T8/T5/Cfl/Pll/Induction bulbs are NOT made in America........Anyone says otherwise is lying.
People have been working on that for a long time. Some interesting developments have taken place more recently. What I really like about this is it converts sunlight almost directly into hydrogen and oxygen. We already have an infrastructure for transporting natural gas and it's very very cheap. There's no loss of energy through transport, just pump it through a pipe and voila, into the fuel cell it goes.
Sounds great...........Now try to get the lobbyists to not block it's implementation..
what I think they mean is a 10% chance of total failure of the driver
Induction lamps and leds as well as cfls, fl`s and hps all suffer a loss of light emitted over time, I think I recall that induction lights only lose around a max of 30% and the lose most of that in the last 50% of their life span`s it might even be less then 30%, leds lose less I think but what with drivers, fans and all the other bits they are more likely to develop another problem cause a failure or lower light levels but most lights are more then usable for 3 to 5 years that`s continus use too so maybe 12 years of growing till you notice the output difference making a drop in yield or quality.
I`d assume I`d have new lights in about 2 or 3 years but my current lights will probably end up in another grow or something like my last lot did, that keeps reminding me I should change who has them as I`d see more return changing who I`ve lent them too as the guy who`s using them now has been pretty tight on sharing the bud he`s grown with them and we are talking about 600w of led`s so he has to be pulling in a decent amount of extra crop using them.
Led grow panels have more points of failure than induction no doubt.......but if you break that induction bulb/ no quick repair and you have a hazardous cleaning situation..
ILP's cheesedream @ 80days since germination under the Hans led panel(65watts):

......No rush fatty, take your time

..............she will be 100+ days till chop.
PS's Anubis bitches @ 75 days since germ under the inda-grow par 100 induction(105watts):

.......checked their trichs w a loop and all we still got some time. I may have guessed wrong.

50th day of the 13/11 light schedule. I will NOT be giving them anything other than water till the end. All the girls have enough organic ferts/ and new soil topdressing too last IMO/ they will look ugly! but their is nothing I can do anymore at this point without deviating from staying safe and happy growing RIU