Hapes Ebb and Flow Scrogg Medical Adventure 20+ girls!!


Well RL I have gone thru quite a bit of stuff since getting to this point. I am gonna post this entire setup in a few posts to show my start to where I am now.

I had some experience with an Ebb and flow setup before. Recently this year I got my medical card and I knew my adventure was about to start.
I have my 12 and am caregiver for 2 others so am capable of 36 girls.

So I ran out and bought a bunch of material as fast as I could. I mostly knew what I wanted with my previous experience.
I had a co2 setup with ppm monitor. Got me a decent ppm meter for my nutes. Got Floranova Grow and Bloom.
I opted for a 3x6 tray and rockwool cubes with later rockwool slabs.
The light was a 600 watt digital MH HPS cooltube. Sadly let me tell you... DO NOT EVER ORDER A SHIT EBAY LIGHT. Later on ill show you guys how this light fried on me.IMG_0286.jpg

Various co2 parts.

Exaust thru the ceiling into the attic. Was waiting on the inline fan to show up at this point.

View into the room

Nice panda film door with solid zipper.
More to come.


So I had a good start. Now to get some plants.
That turned out to be much harder then getting equipment.
In the end I got one soil clone from my local dispensary. Cinderella 99.
I had a guy getting me some clones in rockwool soon so I figured what the hell and got this guy early. Man I wish I woulda waited lol.
So here I am trying to make a soil clone work in rockwool without destroying it.

The inline fan finally shows up.
I do some ninja work and try and remove the cup and most of the soil and get it into the rockwool. Roots pop up shortly after.IMG_0305.jpgIMG_0301.jpg
Next post. Clones arrive! Wasn't I supposed to be excited?


Yay my clones arrive. Supposed to be AK47,Mediwana, Juicy Fruit, few more Cinderellas..... This garbage is what i got.
Says he forgot about them and the dome got left off......:finger:

I salvage what I can. Wind up with this. first Cinderella doing pretty decent now.
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Start to actually put things together inside the room now for the start of flooding.
Got the co2 in.IMG_0326.jpgIMG_0323.jpg
I know its a god awful shit intake system there in the first pic with the fan.

Inline fan on the cooltube is hooked up to a thermostat.
more to come