

Well-Known Member
I wrote something profound yesterday. I was sitting in my favorite chair just blazing lotsaaaaaa weed :) Then I started thinking of ridiculous things to write and draw. I wrote"Happiness is something you felt in the past, or want to be feeling. Its not a state of mind, but rather a purpose". It got me thinking haha and I remember reading all the epicurian letters and documents and pondering the same thing. What the fuck is happiness?

Some moments Ill really think 'boy, I'm happy right now'. But its not.. THAT special. Sometimes it is(tripping). Every now and then Ill know I'm happy, at that moment. But then I'll stub my toe. It can't be contained, it just leaks through every time.

Is there anyone who is not psychotic who is happy on a regular basis? Even when stubbing their toe?

What are your guys' thoughts on happiness?


Well-Known Member
Happiness..a purpose eh?If it were a purpose, then it is the most fleeting purpose ever.The purpose of what, is to be happy?Purpose of life?Maybe,but we keep stubbing our toes by habit,distracting one from happiness or purpose,hmmmm.Happiness, maybe its just a state of energetic alignment with the universe,this could be a possibilty,the universe is always changing.But what dose happiness have to do with the Universe right?Well everything and nothing.The Universe sits perfectly as it is.A person who is actualy perfect, is truely happy right?.Could just be a state of at one-ness with all things as they truely are.As far as purpose goes,that will be up to the percerpetion of who is at the state of happiness then again maybe purpose has nothing to do with it at all.Happiness,isnt something logicaly based but rather illogical...ever been happy for just no reason at all? or was there always a reason that caused you to be happy,if the latter question fits then it wasnt really happiness just another fleeting sense of happy.Ok, enough with my ranting...i gave you my POV on happy,hopefully something makes sense here.


Well-Known Member
Happiness..a purpose eh?If it were a purpose, then it is the most fleeting purpose ever.The purpose of what, is to be happy?Purpose of life?Maybe,but we keep stubbing our toes by habit,distracting one from happiness or purpose,hmmmm.Happiness, maybe its just a state of energetic alignment with the universe,this could be a possibilty,the universe is always changing.But what dose happiness have to do with the Universe right?Well everything and nothing.The Universe sits perfectly as it is.A person who is actualy perfect, is truely happy right?.Could just be a state of at one-ness with all things as they truely are.As far as purpose goes,that will be up to the percerpetion of who is at the state of happiness then again maybe purpose has nothing to do with it at all.Happiness,isnt something logicaly based but rather illogical...ever been happy for just no reason at all? or was there always a reason that caused you to be happy,if the latter question fits then it wasnt really happiness just another fleeting sense of happy.Ok, enough with my ranting...i gave you my POV on happy,hopefully something makes sense here.
State of alignment with the universe? Fuck off you hippy you are retarded.


Well-Known Member
State of alignment with the universe? Fuck off you hippy you are retarded.
Well thank you,troll.U only clarified just how great your ignorance really is.What is happiness to you?I answered with an idea of what happiness itself could be.Lets see if you have any answers that could be possibly worthwhile let alone exhibit any real source of intellect.

BtW,thnks Mr.Strife ,much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
lol wahtta asshole

I think I get what your saying. Now that I think about it every time I am happy, and know at that moment that I'm happy. like 'hey, you know.. Im having a GREAT time right now'. Its a great feeling. I think people feel a sense of happiness from accomplishments, which is pretty good. The thing is though about that, the person who provided you with the accomplishment is probably no happier than you are. Unless you provided yourself.

To me it always seemed nirvana would be boring.. Nothing left to do.. Like a worn out video game. But then again if you are in an utter state of happiness, you couldn't BE bored could you?

I dont know every time I trip I think 'Im having a great time right now' And I cry.. A lot of the times.. I cry.. Like.. Ahh its embarrassing lol my friends are used to it now, I seperate myself if anyone else is there xD


Ursus marijanus
Happiness..a purpose eh?If it were a purpose, then it is the most fleeting purpose ever.The purpose of what, is to be happy?Purpose of life?Maybe,but we keep stubbing our toes by habit,distracting one from happiness or purpose,hmmmm.Happiness, maybe its just a state of energetic alignment with the universe,this could be a possibilty,the universe is always changing.But what dose happiness have to do with the Universe right?Well everything and nothing.The Universe sits perfectly as it is.A person who is actualy perfect, is truely happy right?.Could just be a state of at one-ness with all things as they truely are.As far as purpose goes,that will be up to the percerpetion of who is at the state of happiness then again maybe purpose has nothing to do with it at all.Happiness,isnt something logicaly based but rather illogical...ever been happy for just no reason at all? or was there always a reason that caused you to be happy,if the latter question fits then it wasnt really happiness just another fleeting sense of happy.Ok, enough with my ranting...i gave you my POV on happy,hopefully something makes sense here.
No ... the way I read it, happiness is the sensation of knowing one has, and is executing, a purpose. Basically purpose causes happiness, not the other way around. cn


Well-Known Member

  • why dont you fuck off stranger, he is merely sharing his ideas... not beliefs. this is something not many people can claim.​

Right! More people need to do that. Some ideas need no enforcement though. When it comes to happiness though... Who cares might as well try.

Ive noticed that impermanence and introspection has a lot to do with happiness. If you look within enough, you'll notice that everything is ever changing. Mainly you. You change constantly. If your mad one day, your gonna be happy the next. Well maybe. I've noticed by looking in my old journals that my line of happiness is like a graph.. There is a best fit line imagine that. Now there are points above and below the line. Above is happiness, below is sadness. It is random but gradually moves up and down. I have peaks of happiness and peaks of sadness. But I couldve been happy the day before I was sad.. Its just strange.

All just chemicals in your brain mannnnnnnnn



Well-Known Member

  • Basically purpose causes happiness​

I mean that I do a lot of things merely to become happy. The happiness is the goal and there are ways of obtaining it. It goes the other way around too your right, fuckin yin yang man


Ursus marijanus
I mean that I do a lot of things merely to become happy. The happiness is the goal and there are ways of obtaining it. It goes the other way around too your right, fuckin yin yang man
I think we need to distinguish between pleasure and happiness. We all seek pleasure, some of us more determinedly than others. But I stand by the belief that actual happiness derives from a sense of purpose, combined with the means/confidence to make the object of purpose real. cn


Well-Known Member
I think we need to distinguish between pleasure and happiness. We all seek pleasure, some of us more determinedly than others. But I stand by the belief that actual happiness derives from a sense of purpose, combined with the means/confidence to make the object of purpose real. cn

I cant say that i disagree with you,I probably jumped the gun a little, when i said happiness isnt something logicaly based,it actualy has a part in cause and effect,your right,had alittle to muchbongsmilie when i wrote this.But i dont think it is necessarily the case everytime one finds the state of happiness,sometimes it is spontaneous, i say it because ive had it happen dozens of times, just being alive.Or maybe i have had a few run ins with being bi-polar it is possible,yet im not known for being bi-polar either.


Well-Known Member
I think it's simply feeling good...
maybe it's because I was depressed for a few years, but I'm actually happy now :D