Happy 420


Well-Known Member
I hope 4 20 is a good day , ive gotta have my wife to the hospital by 4 am for a massively invasive surgery , she's sleeping like a lamb after i smoked her out with my top 44 skunk so she's happy now & im twisting in knotts , i have to stay sober for this .
Sorry to hear about that bro , hope she gets well


Well-Known Member
My most heartfelt wishes for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. You guys deserve some good breaks.
She went in at 530 am & didnt come out till allmost 8 am , there were some complications & they are keeping her completely sedated with propofol & on a ventilator until her breathing gets stronger , i just came out to smoke & am heading back in so i dont miss the doctors making their rounds , so far their talking bout keeping her under for the next few days atleast .

I'll be staying with her at the hospital till she is conscious & out of ICU so i wont be around much until she is awake & ok , im gonna head back in & try to get a nap in , i'll post again when there is a change in her condition .

Thanks again for the well wishes bro .


Well-Known Member
She went in at 530 am & didnt come out till allmost 8 am , there were some complications & they are keeping her completely sedated with propofol & on a ventilator until her breathing gets stronger , i just came out to smoke & am heading back in so i dont miss the doctors making their rounds , so far their talking bout keeping her under for the next few days atleast .

I'll be staying with her at the hospital till she is conscious & out of ICU so i wont be around much until she is awake & ok , im gonna head back in & try to get a nap in , i'll post again when there is a change in her condition .

Thanks again for the well wishes bro .
I got my fingers crossed for you guys. You hold her hand and tell her how you feel, it really does make a difference. Peace, and may you yet have many happy days together.


Well-Known Member
Thank all you guys for your well wishes .

Laylas oxygen levels climbed late last night & they were able to take her off one of the 2 breathing machines , this afternoon the doctor gave the order to take her off the ventilator & to revive her she was breathing so well , she came out of the propofol sedation just before 2 pm today , by 3 pm she could talk & is allowed to drink fluids , if her progress continues she might get to drink a liquid breakfast in the morning instead of just the fat their putting in her bloodstreem via IV .

Due to the nature of her surgery she isnt gonna be allowed to come home for a while but she's awake with no internal bleeding , she's lucid & hungry so everything is looking much better than this time yesterday .

Were fortunate that she's in a single patient room so they are allowing me to stay in her room 24/7 , they even brought me in a little fold out chair bed with blanket & pillow so i can lay next to her bed & she can see me , they've been very good to us i gotta say .

My daughter inlaw brought me up some veal chops with baby redskins ,white asparagus & texas toast earlier when all the kids & grandkids came for a quick visit so i got me some excellent chow :) but i still haven't been able to burn one :(

It looks like she's gonna pull thru fine at this point & should be comming home within a week or so , thank all you guys for the kind words , RIU helps me keep good thoughts when i can sneek outta here for a while .


Well-Known Member
Thank all you guys for your well wishes .

Laylas oxygen levels climbed late last night & they were able to take her off one of the 2 breathing machines , this afternoon the doctor gave the order to take her off the ventilator & to revive her she was breathing so well , she came out of the propofol sedation just before 2 pm today , by 3 pm she could talk & is allowed to drink fluids , if her progress continues she might get to drink a liquid breakfast in the morning instead of just the fat their putting in her bloodstreem via IV .

Due to the nature of her surgery she isnt gonna be allowed to come home for a while but she's awake with no internal bleeding , she's lucid & hungry so everything is looking much better than this time yesterday .

Were fortunate that she's in a single patient room so they are allowing me to stay in her room 24/7 , they even brought me in a little fold out chair bed with blanket & pillow so i can lay next to her bed & she can see me , they've been very good to us i gotta say .

My daughter inlaw brought me up some veal chops with baby redskins ,white asparagus & texas toast earlier when all the kids & grandkids came for a quick visit so i got me some excellent chow :) but i still haven't been able to burn one :(

It looks like she's gonna pull thru fine at this point & should be comming home within a week or so , thank all you guys for the kind words , RIU helps me keep good thoughts when i can sneek outta here for a while .
EXCELLENT NEWS, glad to hear she's doing so well- and that you're getting something better than hospital food to eat!

You remind me of how fortunate I am to enjoy good health- and that while it may be easy to take it for granted, it is important to take time now and again, just to be thankful.

I'm glad things are looking good- I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for you guys.


Well-Known Member
***BLESSINGS*** we all love you here @panhead ..... world needs more folks like ya....
Thank all you guys for your well wishes .

Laylas oxygen levels climbed late last night & they were able to take her off one of the 2 breathing machines , this afternoon the doctor gave the order to take her off the ventilator & to revive her she was breathing so well , she came out of the propofol sedation just before 2 pm today , by 3 pm she could talk & is allowed to drink fluids , if her progress continues she might get to drink a liquid breakfast in the morning instead of just the fat their putting in her bloodstreem via IV .

Due to the nature of her surgery she isnt gonna be allowed to come home for a while but she's awake with no internal bleeding , she's lucid & hungry so everything is looking much better than this time yesterday .

Were fortunate that she's in a single patient room so they are allowing me to stay in her room 24/7 , they even brought me in a little fold out chair bed with blanket & pillow so i can lay next to her bed & she can see me , they've been very good to us i gotta say .

My daughter inlaw brought me up some veal chops with baby redskins ,white asparagus & texas toast earlier when all the kids & grandkids came for a quick visit so i got me some excellent chow :) but i still haven't been able to burn one :(

It looks like she's gonna pull thru fine at this point & should be comming home within a week or so , thank all you guys for the kind words , RIU helps me keep good thoughts when i can sneek outta here for a while .