Happy Birthday to me...today is med permit day..so a new grow room is imminent


Active Member
Ok...I know its takeing a while to get done. Ive been busy what can I say. Here is some updated pics so you can see its comming along nicely. It has 2 coats of thick primer to seal all the cracks then 2 coats of flat white with fungucide in the paint. I guess almost all paint now includes this now? Anyway....I have my lights and am rounding up all the enviromental moniters and I went to the second hand store and found 2 big oscalating fans. I am still shopping for a good deal on a fan and odor control device. I have seen some do it yourself charcoal fans and I may do this. I have access to bulk coconut charcoal at wholesale prices through a aquarium shop here locally. I am just a little surprised at the price of just a fan. Them suckers are expensive for just a fan. I have been buying parts for bubbleponics units as I also want to try this eventually. I like the diy aspect of this hobby. Medicate and build some shit...hehe

Heres the pics...you can see the before and after pictures. Aught to be able to fit 15 plants in this room dont ya think?:leaf:
white paint2.JPGwhite paint.JPGplywood day.jpgstart day.jpg


Well-Known Member
15 shouldn't be a problem lol. The fan is the worst part imo, I waited the longest for that. With that said that was my biggest misktake, skimping on exhaust, so while its expensive it is the key to success. The room is lookin way good man. I'm headed to work right now and ill see if I can't attach my book int an email for ya to have something on hand to reference. Got new razors today how long ya think it'll be before ur set-up? Lmk a week or 2 ahead of time and ill start cuttin up some clones for ya. Anyway I'm ramblin now, rooms lookin good man keep at it :joint:


Active Member
Sensi.....what is that in your avatar? I have been looking at it now and wondering what it is. Looks like a bull drinking from a bottle....is this a ad for some nutrients? That is what I am imagining it is.



Active Member
Well ok then. Its time to update all the good people here at Rollitup.org. I just want to say thanks to everyone that has helped me by awnsering questions when I couldnt find the info. The short time I have been here I have found some great help. I met one of the people here that lives near me and he happens to be a shall we say grow genie. He generously provided me with 10 rooted clones. That alone was very nice but each one is a different strain of quality genetics to boot. I have Mendo Purps and querkle and strawberry cough and blue cheeze and sour diesel to name a few. Good luck getting all to to finish successfully on my first grow huh. I read somewhere that a new grower needs to grow one at a time as just because 1 plant may need something extra or not so much as another strain...you cant treat them all the same. It will be a lot of fun learning.

Here is the updated pictures of my room. All the corners and every crevise has been sealled with caulking ot foam sealer. This room is so air tight. Its been alot of work. I know I need to shorten the ducting and adjust a few things but its comming along.

Heres the pics from start to finish and the baby girls...happy bday!




Active Member
Glad to hear from ya again, grasshopper. I was beginning to wonder if you were still going through with this project.

Wow, things appear to be coming along very nicely. That's a sweet grow room that will serve you well for many years of growing, I bet. You're also very lucky to have benefited from the generosity of others with those clones. Good genetics are the most important part of the equation for growing great MJ. I'm glad to know you won't have to waste time and effort on inferior genetics like a lot of people do.

I would agree with the opinion that you should grow each of those strains out one at a time, until you get to know each one's unique characteristics. While I don't have experience with most of those strains, I have experience with sour diesel, and if it's anything like the ones I've seen, you'll need to take care with it. Sour diesel can be particularly susceptible to nute burn, especially when it's first starting out.

I'd suggest putting all of your energy into growing each of those clones into very healthy mothers. Grow them vegetatively until they're all little bushes. It shouldn't take more than a month or two. Then, you can take a bunch of cuttings from one strain, veg them for a month or two and then put that strain group into flower together. This will allow you to see how each strain behaves, from start to finish. It's a good idea to take notes about the feeding habits, growth rates, amount of stretching, etc. that each strain exhibits throughout the whole growth cycle. Once you've done that with each strain you have, you'll be much more prepared to mix and match in the future.

Good luck with the new girls and keep us updated when you can.


Active Member
Not bad for my first grow eh. Ive spent hours and hours over month reading everything I can get my hands on so my first grow would be a sucess. I have a few questions still.
About humidity:
Will high humidity (hovers between 60% and 79% when it rains outside) effect the quality of the bud? I know about risks of mold and bud rot but at what point do I need a de-humidifier for my room? I have been looking on craigslist for one ans see some for 100 bucks that looks intresting.

Do I need worry about it? I have 2 oscilating fans...one blowing across the tops of the plants and one circulating air around the pots.

So what do ya think? Its week 5 right now. 10 different strains. I have to decide on which ones to keep because its to hard doing so many strains. I wish the law would allow for as many mother plants as you need to keep the strains going. I am in love with all of them...hehe

Thanks guys...thanks for stopping by my thread.:peace:




Well-Known Member
Hey man,
You've done well for your first time. I'm here in sno county. On my card it reads that I can maintain a 60 day supply for a total of 24 ounces. It also reads that I may use as many plants as it takes to do that. If you read the law it says "The presumption in this section may be overcome with evidence of a qualifying patient's necessary medical use." Which means to me if you have real medical use you have the right to have higher amounts. Also, as my recommending doctor told me "some patients may need more than 15 plants it just depends on their level of experience." Our state is one of the most lenient in my opinion.

If your not growing to sell it which is about all they are looking at these days in this state you can easily grow much more. Problems only come from telling a "friend" and then you find out its a cop or someone who comes back later to steal your crop. If your not attracting attention your probably ok. Of all my friends that have had law enforcement in their op's, as soon as the cops see the posted recommendation they usually walk out and say "have a nice day" because convictions are very difficult. Make sure to post your recommendation on the outside of the door to enter your op. That's most important.

As to your question. 79% is a pretty high humidity. I'm sure you could get a de-humidifier pretty easily on craigslist. $100 is cheap insurance for ya, really. Even if you dont have a problem now you may in the future.

Good luck


Active Member

Hey thanks for stopping by and checking out my thread. I like all the comments/criticism I can get. Its the best way to learn.

Are you in Washington like me? Sounds like it. 24 ounces and 15 plants. So you know of people who has had cops in their grow room...wow. They just say have a good day. Im still paranoid and wont keep more then 15 I dont think. I cant smoke this much anyway so I will donate some to another card holder for the cost of nutes or something like this. I just have all these really really good strains and want to keep em all. I am starting super silver haze, Mendo purps, White Widow, Blueberry and Blue cheeze for my next grow. I have 5 in the vegatable cabnet getting ready. I am reading this jar of organism stuff for fungas and good stuff in your soil. I am gonna water this stuff on the vegging plants next feeding. Have you ever used it? Anyone used it?




Well-Known Member

Hey thanks for stopping by and checking out my thread. I like all the comments/criticism I can get. Its the best way to learn.

Are you in Washington like me? Sounds like it. 24 ounces and 15 plants. So you know of people who has had cops in their grow room...wow. They just say have a good day. Im still paranoid and wont keep more then 15 I don't think. I cant smoke this much anyway so I will donate some to another card holder for the cost of nutes or something like this. I just have all these really really good strains and want to keep em all. I am starting super silver haze, Mendo purps, White Widow, Blueberry and Blue cheeze for my next grow. I have 5 in the vegatable cabnet getting ready. I am reading this jar of organism stuff for fungas and good stuff in your soil. I am gonna water this stuff on the vegging plants next feeding. Have you ever used it? Anyone used it?

Yeah I'm in Snohomish county.

It is very hard for law enforcement to get a conviction with someone who has a medical marijuana recommendation in the state of Washington. The cops will likely set up and "watch" you to see if your selling. Remember this is local government only. Federal drug enforcement can still prosecute you but likely will not if you have a medical card.
Just the other day Seattle's mayor was on the news saying how Seattle has had 180 arrests so far this year for marijuana related crimes but charges were only filed on one individual o_O

Despite the fact that the medical law does not give anyone the ability to run a dispensary and stating "A designated provider can only be a provider for one patient at any one time." many growers are supplying other patients with top shelf. There are patients who cannot grow for themselves. Thus the provider clause was born. This clause allows you to raise production and supply others with top shelf just be sure not to "sell" it to them. Get compensation for energy, dirt, and materials. If they supply you with the correct paperwork and you follow all laws the local law enforcement is not going to waste their time on you cause a conviction will take too long and cost too much. They will concentrate on the guy who doesn't have the medical necessity. Even though medical marijuana has gained exponentially in popularity there are plenty of non medical growers out there to keep law enforcement busy.

Again be sure to post you paperwork and keep your op to yourself. Good luck Bro!