Well-Known Member
how many rings them cards got?????
how many rings them cards got?????
how many rings them cards got?????
thats what its all about right?>>>>>rings.
ok the cards made it to the big game one time,how long did that take?>>>42 attemps
get a ring,better yet get a few.
all of this is just fun talk,no hard feelings at all.
i got about 100 text befor that game last night,and not one text this morning>>>>>got to love that.
0 rings, you got me there. but WHEN was the last time you got a ring?????? RELEVANCE! come back to the future marty!
when's the last time dallas made it through the playoffs TO a superbowl??? AZ did that, RECENTLY!
don't be THAT GUY that goes to the automatic plan B ring
if we got a ring every time we beat dallas, we'd have about 4-5 rings that were won RECENTLY hahaha
its too bad we don't play this season lol I'm glad football is finally here. but it would cool to see peterson DISMANTLE the headcase that is dez bryant
justgot my nfl sunday tkcket onljne subscribtion. now i can watch every game except the cardinals.
its the truth they dont show the localngames online i thnk. i am pretty sure this was thebcase last year. i refuse to get cable or sat because i would watch too much tv and when i watch too much tv i spend too mich nrain real estate on the subliminal comercials. think aboutnhow much useless shit younhave inyour head from commercials. wouldnt you rather know abiut sometjing more interesting and informative and actually useful other than knowing what to go amd spend your money on.You motherfucker!!!!! lol
its the truth they dont show the localngames online i thnk. i am pretty sure this was thebcase last year. i refuse to get cable or sat because i would watch too much tv and when i watch too much tv i spend too mich nrain real estate on the subliminal comercials. think aboutnhow much useless shit younhave inyour head from commercials. wouldnt you rather know abiut sometjing more interesting and informative and actually useful other than knowing what to go amd spend your money on.
i wishni could say the same. whenever i jave cable i watch crap for hours. now i just watch the good shows online. and no commercials . hey i think the crads go to new england in week two or three. looking forward to the pats showing the cards how we do it up in foxboro. i fucking love football!HOnestly dude I have like every channel Cox cable has to offer and I never watch anything but the movie channels and History channel with Pawn Stars and Swamp people and all the documentaries.
i wishni could say the same. whenever i jave cable i watch crap for hours. now i just watch the good shows online. and no commercials . hey i think the crads go to new england in week two or three. looking forward to the pats showing the cards how we do it up in foxboro. i fucking love football!
remember last time we played the the snow.....that was embarrassing lol....lienart to fitz actually saved us from a shutout
lol that texan got told!