Happy Election Day

Looks like Joe with about 320 ECVs in the end, we will see how AZ went, a senate pick up there. Joe is set to take the three battle grounds MI, WI and PA and I figure they will break even or better in the senate. Too bad it would have been nice to knock him out in the south, but hey Texas was in play, the solid south held, barely.

This appears to be a fight among the educated and the ignorant, the intelligent and the stupid, urban vs rural, winner vs loser and the losers are voting for the likes of Trump. Not just in America either, but the morons of many countries are infected with populism and a desire to turn back the clock to simpler times, for simpler minds. They might as well piss into a stiff breeze as try to stop the winds of change. We see this stupidity with uneducated men and frankly there is a reason for this, most are uneducable, there's no cure for stupid.
biden needed ohio, north carolina and penn, and the only one arguably close at this point is penn

it looks like trump is gonna win.
He knew the mail ins would kill him-yano, so he openly sabotaged the post office, created a false narrative about fraud, and tried to strike down several pro-voter laws to suppress mail ins-and they will.
Why anyone would support someone who made 20,000+ false or misleading statements while in office is beyond me.

Why do you guys support a known pathological liar? All politics aside.
Why would someone support a candidate who pushed for segregation in school and passed a criminal reform act that incarcerated tons of black men.
He knew the mail ins would kill him-yano, so he openly sabotaged the post office, created a false narrative about fraud, and tried to strike down several pro-voter laws to suppress mail ins-and they will.
Much more in depth long term thing than the bob thing could create. He was just forced to exploit it. Actually began over propane mail fleet. Pretty treasonous.
Trump is over-performing in all 3 actually. It looks pretty scary. Biden has to have 1 of the 3 to win. He is losing in all currently. Mail ins, which dems are expected to overperform in, will be counted last. So...yeah, he will get 1. Its all the urban ballots uncounted in PA, also.
Every expert predicted this, early voting in these 3 states makes all the difference. I'll sleep well tonight. People hoped for an early knock out in the south, but it was close in many places. Like I said all the experts and most models were expecting this and I and many others were hoping for a sweep, but it will be enough, it had better be, or America is finished and so is the good life you have known.
Why would someone support a candidate who pushed for segregation in school and passed a criminal reform act that incarcerated tons of black men.
Only because you need advice. Those things were done. Not favorable across the board. Yet your king endorses the open murder of blacks or any in his or donors way. Genocide with covid ignorance. I could go on and on. The mind control of media is astounding.
I'll let Bidens black running mate handle this.

"You can look at Charlottesville, when there were peaceful protesters, And on the other side, neo-Nazis and he talks about fine people on either side," Harris added, referring to the 2017 violence between white nationalists and left-leaning counterprotesters. "Calling Mexicans rapists and criminals. His first order of business was to institute a Muslim ban. It all speaks for itself." Kemala

And the list goes on.

Racist? That would be joe Biden. Why don’t you ask his Vice President...hahah
Only because you need advice. Those things were done. Not favorable across the board. Yet your king endorses the open murder of blacks or any in his or donors way. Genocide with covid ignorance. I could go on and on. The mind control of media is astounding.

Provide facts. Trump actually has helped blacks more than any other recent president. Covid19 genocide? Funny how the countries that had it under control are going back under lock down
Provide facts. Trump actually has helped blacks more than any other recent president. Covid19 genocide? Funny how the countries that had it under control are going back under lock down
This is straight comedy. STRAIGHT comedy. Why don't black people think so? The only black dude voting for Trump is Kanye, and he is self-proclaimed off the meds bruh. lol

9 out of 10 of Trump supporters are white! The other 1 is Kanye! lol -or the Cubans that Russia and Trump have been scaring shitless with socialism in Dade county, lol.
Provide facts. Trump actually has helped blacks more than any other recent president. Covid19 genocide? Funny how the countries that had it under control are going back under lock down
Gladly. May take my old ass a few. But they exist. How about you post the faux news clips you got while I pull up actual news stories and scientific health advisories and tracking.
Every expert predicted this, early voting in these 3 states makes all the difference. I'll sleep well tonight. People hoped for an early knock out in the south, but it was close in many places. Like I said all the experts and most models were expecting this and I and many others were hoping for a sweep, but it will be enough, it had better be, or America is finished and so is the good life you have known.
Because you are so good at predictions?
Provide facts. Trump actually has helped blacks more than any other recent president. Covid19 genocide? Funny how the countries that had it under control are going back under lock down
Not one has been executed by law enforcement under his watch. Too easy. Next.