Happy frog soil and organics ?s


Well-Known Member
Not knowing how, when, or how much to water is far more problematic when dealing with a living organic soil. There are no wet-dry cycles. The soil needs to be consistently moist, otherwise the microbes would remain dormant, or at least very inactive and all of the organic inputs in the world wouldn't do a damn bit of good. There is much more room for error when using synthetic nutrients. I don't care what you say contrary to that.

For what it's worth, and to his credit he has insisted on doing things organically, so I'm giving dude a hand via pm right now. His first assignment is to read One Straw Revolution, followed by Teaming With Microbes. :-)
Your help to the OP is all that matters. This guy just wants to argue. Some people are less compassionate.
This forum shouldn't be about knowing more than the next guy, it should be about helping the next guy out: so that he may one day pass that skill you gave him/her to someone new.

Man, it's dang old "teach a man to fish", man. King of the hill's, Boomhower