Well that's the truth of it No use pretending I'd befriend loquacious or nether regions or anyone who carries hate in their heart against a group and practices it openly, shamelessly. I've never been capable of the convenient lie to myself. Because when I did I found myself sliding into moral morass and that is far to easy for me. We are such incredibly great beings, capable of so much good and evil and none of us are beyond redemption and we all reach that place from different roads. It is a living, breathing miracle, the story of us.Happy New Years to everyone be safe and have fun!
annie I laughed at "love most all of you"
something to ponder this new year:
we are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.
My god , i got a fat over that . LOLWell that's the truth of it No use pretending I'd befriend loquacious or nether regions or anyone who carries hate in their heart against a group and practices it openly, shamelessly. I've never been capable of the convenient lie to myself. Because when I did I found myself sliding into moral morass and that is far to easy for me. We are such incredibly great beings, capable of so much good and evil and none of us are beyond redemption and we all reach that place from different roads. It is a living, breathing miracle, the story of us.
Man get rid the fuck away with that avatar ! it looks at me , i told you that b4
Just kidding , have a safe and fun new year !!!!!
no whay neu i took tha greeeeeen pyllto all a happy and safe new years. May the forces of evil get lost on the way to your doorstep.
Evil should be so lucky........but there's always Google Earth.To all a happy and safe New Years. May the forces of evil get lost on the way to your doorstep.
That's delish on oh so many levelsEvil should be so lucky........but there's always Google Earth.