Gary Goodson
Well-Known Member
Wait a minute. You don't want or care about equality, You want attention and special treatment. If a guy that nobody knows came on here and started passing out dick pics left and right, he would be called a pervert. So when a chick does it, it comes off as slutty. That's just the way the world works. Thinking you get a free pass and should be treated with respect for being slutty is a really fucked up view of equality.I understand you suffer from a dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. I don't know why this is, but i don't really care. I know your Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sexual discrimination, hostility, male privilege ideas, belittling of women, violence against women and sexual objectification of women (thanks for that clarification, Wikipedia!) Which one are you guilty of?
Mostly though, I wonder if men like you who think they have power over women and treat them with disrespect, do you have a mum? What would you think if your mother was treated like this by another man? Would it bother you? Or are you so insecure about your masculinity (sexuality?) that you even treat your own mother and daughters like this?
As the mother to a little boy who will become a man sooner than I’d like to imagine, if I ever hear that he is not demanding the utmost respect and equality for women from his male peers, I’ll be on his ass. It may not be something previous generations of men were taught, but I won’t continue to pretend that this problem doesn’t exist.
Women are people! So to all of you that look on and find this sort of degradation towards women entertaining, grow a pair, stop being a fucking coward, and stand up for equality. Even when it makes you uncomfortable. Especially when it makes you uncomfortable.
I've been nice to you and even felt bad for you. I felt like you started things off on the wrong foot and maybe you could start over. But after reading this post, I think all is lost for you and your delusional way of thinking.
Teach your son whatever you want, but please don't teach him to go around showing everybody his dick. In America there is an even worse term for that. One that would make him have to knock on his neighbors doors and alert them that there is a registered sex offender residing next door. I think they even have to put a sign out front.
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