Happy Pi Day

bitch tits

I am making my way to bed, well not exactly bed but to the couch to do more dabs and ruin more zelda, possibly even mario kart.

LEave me a note detailing the number of men who try to grope you and how many you have been turned on by

k thx

ps., the level of fat you have will ONLY be removed by surgery. sorry to inform you bitch tits but it is true


Lick yo titty for me and give yourself a hard spank, I would \

ask around I am a generous lover
I'm sorry this isn't the right thread and shit
But when you were talking to somebody recently about michigan transplants to so cal, i wonder if you remember what i told you before about my last name. Been happening all the time :-)
Off the top of my head, I don't recall details about yer last name. But I'll get in touch about that dna thingy and you can tell me then, now or just holler
@Aeroknow - I am mildly concerned about tolerance. I've used (roughly) the same amount (medication) for 30 years, wouldn't the 'dab'/edible method wreck my routine?

I mean, I've enjoyed brownies and cookies back in the day, but it's a whole new scene these days....people 'vaping', sucking shit from the head of hot nails, etc.etc....
@Aeroknow - I am mildly concerned about tolerance. I've used (roughly) the same amount (medication) for 30 years, wouldn't the 'dab'/edible method wreck my routine?

I mean, I've enjoyed brownies and cookies back in the day, but it's a whole new scene these days....people 'vaping', sucking shit from the head of hot nails, etc.etc....
Once you go dab, you will not give a shit about one single hit from flower.
Have a few more drinks and pass out in that single bed, eh? You've embarrassed yourself enough for one lifetime, and it's nearly time for bed...
I haven't had a drink in nearly 2o years. Stick to jokes Lou and you'll be ok. Saw the buttfucker meme you posted here, just after calling you on your weirdo prison rape fantasies. You're pretty transparent
Hey...Nature boy...hey hey hey

Have we met?

Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Gary....

Fuck you in your dick hole!!! It's on now you mother fucker!
Rape talk? Are you asking me? Or just wishing?

Because all of RIU knows I will rape your butthole....

With permission, of course

lame ass bitch!
Saw this and had to log back in to say


My sides hurt from laughing

Thank you for that.
Ok time to throw the phone down and get back to being a night owl