Happy Pi Day

All from open forum here, this is who you are farmer, a junky and a rapist.

yup exactly

you fact check to make sure I didn't give you false ammo? find my post? or did sf get you to start saying something because he mentioned it


dude my autism is off the charts

you just got my full attention again

When was the last time you got laid?
When was your last paycheque?

remember I have all this in either pm or screenshot because I learned early on the internet to always make screengrabs and save all convos for gossip over wine and cheese. been trolling on the web far longer then you hot rod.

did you see my join date on this other forum?

Join Date: Dec 1999
Posts: 5,513
Thanks: 1,692

I was such a young whipper snapper in those days. I was just approaching 11 that year, smoking on shitty brick weed, adjusting my pants so my boner was not visible. Ahhh to be a kid again

fucking lulz
You also quoted the 10 years thing. Did Abe tell you he hasn't been with a woman in that long? He did me.

I'd kill myself.
shit...been since monday morning, for me, and I feel like gnawing my own arm off in sexual frustration
10 yrs of celibacy??
shit.. after that type of dryspell, I may end up doing socially awkward things on the internet to people I've never met or something...
10 yrs of celibacy??
I'll reply to you since you are compelled to be a part of the rumor mill. I moved to the sticks 10 years ago. In that time, I've had a gf from Virginia visit. I've visited a gf in Manhattan and I also managed to doink a lezbo. 10 years is a completely-false-accusation, like my sex life is anyone's business lol
I am tempted to post all these pm\s we had where you would flip out and then leave the chat after I hammered your puckered up asshole.

Let's battle you lopsided cunt
oh shit... now it's getting a lil more interesting..
shit.. and i'm going home soon too..

"stay tuned for tomorrow's exciting conclusion"
I'll reply to you since you are completed to be a part of the rumor mill. I moved to the sticks 10 years ago. In that time, I've had a gf from virginia visit. I've visited a gf in Manhattan and I also managed to doink a lezbo. 10 years is a completely-false-accusation, like my sex life is anyone's business lol
good to know man
for the record you never seemed too far "off" until recently..
for whatever that's worth
however to the neutral observer it's a lil weird..
a lil weird..
group convo take 3

should we start with the third iteration of a group text that you constantly ran from?

Farmer what is the defining moment in your life where you became proud to become a piece of shit? Serious question

I would ask when you became a bitch but you have been running from pm's with me for a while. taking your jabs then running

First convo is ready to be sent to anyone who messages me.
I would ask when you became a bitch but you have been running from pm's with me for a while. taking your jabs then running
I was just asking what happened to you to become so proud that you betray other's privacy?

All I did was give you the boot from our convo, after you screamed at Q once, betrayed Annie and then culminating at screaming at me for a second time. What's so hard to understand about that?

The shit you said in that convo is mind boggling. I'd never desire to screenshot any of it or betray you. That's a core difference between you and I.
Let us who speaketh the truth

I have no cares about any pm's of mine being posted long as no doxxing was to occur.

Only a few people have more then my first name anyways,

I really home smokes bricks is going to make an appearance soon
I was just asking what happened to you to become so proud that you betray other's privacy?

All I did was give you the boot from our convo, after you screamed at Q once, betrayed Annie and then culminating at screaming at me for a second time. What's so hard to understand about that?

The shit you said in that convo is mind boggling. I'd never desire to screenshot any of it or betray you. That's a core difference between you and I.
So backwards, you flipped out on me and the other two participants who will not be named. that is the truth! \

Quit lying and I wouldn't have to break no trust. nothing doxx worthy simply the facts that you have tried on multiple occasions to break me down and always end up being the bitch and tucking tail.

you are good at lying, I do not have the memory to lie as constantly as you. I barely remember the days before so honesty is usually the best policy.
I was just asking what happened to you to become so proud that you betray other's privacy?

All I did was give you the boot from our convo, after you screamed at Q once, betrayed Annie and then culminating at screaming at me for a second time. What's so hard to understand about that?

The shit you said in that convo is mind boggling. I'd never desire to screenshot any of it or betray you. That's a core difference between you and I.
"Q"? this Q?------>
No honor. And complete shit for a memory SF.

Your boundary issues are exactly why you're in and out of jail. All your 'friends' are lured w crack and herion. Just saying man, you really aren't shit for a decent person.
you don't want others to see your manipulative and constant degrading of me in a private setting? then weeks later we go into a new chat and you act like nothing even happened.

Big difference between you and I is that I do not lie constantly or try and delete posts to save face. next time you latch onto words check if sf is just getting yer goat or if it is something truthful.

lulz SF is in a blind rage

No honor. And complete shit for a memory SF.

Your boundary issues are exactly why you're in and out of jail. All your 'friends' are bought or lured w crack and herion. Just saying man, you really aren't shit for a decent person.
ugh you know my current girl emo has been clean from pills for over 40 days?

We get our rocks off with rough kinky sex. and hardcore drinking. She actually was crying a whole bunch today at my house because "life" Don't worry I slapped that frown back into a sly grin.

ever tied a girl up? it can be quite exhilarating or being tied up and then her cutting you or hitting you

quite the rush if I must say so

Emo said she is making an acccount so you can address her once she makes her entrance.

edit your reason for kicking me from line has changed 3 times now. let that be noted.

you are such a goof