Happy Pi Day

Prosecution and persecution. It's why I spoke up. It was becoming cloying.

I'm thinking back to our recent PM regarding "serious mental illness"....
He feels I am an easy target being very open about my depression and suicidal thoughts, couple that with the poly drug addiction and perpetual relationships that have crashed and burned starting with my exwife S3love

ps: you start to sound like her near the end of our marriage. you want ammo on how to hurt me call her up.

She will be glad to help you tear me down and is the main suspect in a doxx attempt on me on a diff site.

Telling ya I got bigger problems on diff sites, ol abe is just shit on my shoe that gets real annoying when I am trying to shit post
For all those history buffs semi-following this trivial drama; it's much like the American Civil War nomenclature :

The War for Constitutional Liberty
The War for Southern Independence
The Second American Revolution
The War for States' Rights
Mr. Lincoln's War
The Southern Rebellion
The War for Southern Rights
The War of the Southern Planters
The War of the Rebellion
The Second War for Independence
The War to Suppress Yankee Arrogance
The Brothers' War
The War of Secession
The Great Rebellion
The War for Nationality
The War for Southern Nationality
The War Against Slavery
The Civil War Between the States
The War of the Sixties
The War Against Northern Aggression
The Yankee Invasion
The War for Separation
The War for Abolition
The War for the Union
The Confederate War
The War of the Southrons
The War for Southern Freedom
The War of the North and South
The Lost Cause
Source: Historical Times Encyclopedia of the Civil War

Abe began to get testy when Yessica was expelled; I submit Yessica represented slavery and Abe is a Southern plantation owner 'metaphorically' .
"Yessica", lol, what a sad, damaged mess. (Wanna see some bush shots? ;))

Her and that '60Max' nazi are an ideal match. Red state waste cases.
Yessi pops up on facebook as people I may know because of mutual friend.

She was usually pretty cool and even offered to hook me and @S3love a threesome with people she knew.

pretty lulzy
No slur on Canucks; Lou said red state, usually refers to American political beliefs and her oddity wasn't political

I decided to go look at the insanity my exwie used to post

she did rep my dick more then enough

Jeeze guys something isnt right here hahaha my hubby can always get hard no matter wat drug we take, ive had sex with him on acid, e, coke, crack, heroin....basically everything...so wat r u guys doing wrong hahahahaha
No slur on Canucks; Lou said red state, usually refers to American political beliefs and her oddity wasn't political

She sure conducted herself like a low rent redneck, based on some of those older threads. 'Daddy syndrome' times ten.

No great loss.
WELCOME TO RIU!! Where a dick pic will get your ass banned but bragging about your involvement in the brutal rape will dogwhistle fellow members support!
WELCOME TO RIU!! Where a sleazy little worm can emerge from the sewers every few weeks/months and talk shit out of the side of his cuck mouth! BAAAAAAHHHHHH!


Also: Nobody here likes you. Much like your actual 'life', eh?
WELCOME TO RIU!! Where a sleazy little worm can emerge from the sewers every few weeks/months and talk shit out of the side of his cuck mouth! BAAAAAAHHHHHH!

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Also: Nobody here likes you. Much like your actual 'life', eh?
sticking up for rapists,huh lou? because that's what you're doing.you chase ppl all over this site calLing them out on various shit. how come not sf? because you're a COWARD!! BTW drug addicts love to be patronized
SO I will liven this thread up with my ex wifes insane posting. you thought I was bad.

I gotta get this bitch to login again.

hahahahahahahaha i love this thred already, i have 2 holes in ears and belly button pierced, wanna get clit done but im petrified of the pain, other than the fact that they say anytime u move its like an instant orgasm ;)

this concluded in us discussing her clit being pierced and well.

what what

SF associates with the weird ladies yo