Oh hell yes I'm happy right now lol
I just drove 553 miles from Grand Rapids, MI down here in Corbin, KY in 7 hours and 59 minutes yee haw!
Fuckin 8° up in Michigan this morning now it's 55° where I'm at. Thats whats up
I hauled ass on short notice, dispatch called me this am and said, can you be in Atlanta to deliver these hot tubs on Monday morning?
I said start my truck and warm it up and I'll be to the yard in less than 60 minutes. I'm getting my hourly pay PLUS 15% of what this load pays because I did it on short notice. I'm only 301 miles from my delivery in Atlanta, well it's actually a suburb of Atlanta, Norcross.
I'm at a Love's off I75 right now, going to shut down and get my dog out and get something to eat here. There's a Sonny's BBQ that looks within walking distance, BINGO BANGO!
I got some pics I'll post in a little while
Here's this morning Michigan sunrise going east on 94