Happy thread :)

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The wife's cousin Sam is a small engine guy. She saw on Face Book he was looking to earn extra money before school starts in the fall, so we got him out to the sandhill last week. We got the 23 horse orange tractor going and I sent one push mower and the big chainsaw home with him. He reported the saw was running, and he will bring a trailer to carry riding lawnmowers with him when he leaves today. (I have two riders here and one at the riverhouse that have gunked up carbs) Just a quick look through the shed and I found a pole saw and Daddy's big old Solo weed eater that needs work. I have at least three old outboards that might be in the savable range. And the gen at the riverhouse could use a service. Plus Sister said she has two riding mowers she would like him to look at. At this rate he can pay for his books and tuition just from fixing our shit.

Added bonus. He works at the parts house, so a 20% discount on the truck starter he picked up for me.
I haven't in nearly thirty years. But boy would I love to. Nothing sounds better.
Had a friend who collected first presses. Hair raising quality.

I went back to my hometown last summer and reconnected with an old friend, he had gotten really into vinyl and had a beautiful setup, the sound was just so rich and full.

For whatever reason, it reminds me of trying to play the four parts of this flaming lips album simultaneously. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaireeka
The wife's cousin Sam is a small engine guy. She saw on Face Book he was looking to earn extra money before school starts in the fall, so we got him out to the sandhill last week. We got the 23 horse orange tractor going and I sent one push mower and the big chainsaw home with him. He reported the saw was running, and he will bring a trailer to carry riding lawnmowers with him when he leaves today. (I have two riders here and one at the riverhouse that have gunked up carbs) Just a quick look through the shed and I found a pole saw and Daddy's big old Solo weed eater that needs work. I have at least three old outboards that might be in the savable range. And the gen at the riverhouse could use a service. Plus Sister said she has two riding mowers she would like him to look at. At this rate he can pay for his books and tuition just from fixing our shit.

Added bonus. He works at the parts house, so a 20% discount on the truck starter he picked up for me.
For a moment I thought he was doing the work as a favor & you were milking that cow :)
Nice to see you ain't taking advantage & are paying him
That's nice of you :)

If he's good, hang on to him
Small engine guy's that know their shit are like gold here where I live in CT
Small engine guy is how I learned what "good ol boy" meant, and not in the derisive sense. Was with my dad out in the middle of nowhere Ohio visiting family and something broke...people kept telling us to go see this good old boy, he should be in his barn but if not just go on up to the house and holler for him they say. Confused the hell out of me, how can you be an old boy.

Well he was old, like 50s or 60s. Happily fixed our stuff for a really good price, wasn't even weird once we said who our relatives were and why we were walking up to his barn. Just fixed random machines on farms I guess.

That's what I viewed as a good ol boy for a long time. Didn't understand why the good ol boy network was a bad thing.
Small engine guy is how I learned what "good ol boy" meant, and not in the derisive sense. Was with my dad out in the middle of nowhere Ohio visiting family and something broke...people kept telling us to go see this good old boy, he should be in his barn but if not just go on up to the house and holler for him they say. Confused the hell out of me, how can you be an old boy.

Well he was old, like 50s or 60s. Happily fixed our stuff for a really good price, wasn't even weird once we said who our relatives were and why we were walking up to his barn. Just fixed random machines on farms I guess.

That's what I viewed as a good ol boy for a long time. Didn't understand why the good ol boy network was a bad thing.
I believe the term correlates geographically with racism or perhaps the perception of racism.
Yeah it does, absolutely. Good ol boys in reality are not what my 8 year old self thought they were...weird independent mechanics that fixed farm stuff.

I still honestly don't know if they were using it as a term of endearment or not. It was an old white guy. Personally, I would take issue with someone calling me boy, but who knows.
I still honestly don't know if they were using it as a term of endearment or not.
I see it as a "click". Things were understood with a nod. You got up at or before sun up. Did a full hard day of chores. Went to church. Momma thought young Jed would marry the Clasons' daughter. Dad 's eyes told Smith's son to keep his eyes forward,. Not on his daughter.
The help, the coloreds, kept there eyes down, did their job and returned to their side of the tracks. Racism was a northerner term. It wasn't so much as hate as separation. There were few rules but they were ironclad. Sure some folk got over zealous. But most the "good folk" lived decent, simple lives.
I don't agree with most of this but in my eyes that's who they are. They're a hard group of people to try and soften.
My dad's side of the family all live in that remote area, my grandma ran away to Chicago before he was born, but my pop went to visit often enough that everyone knew him. The mental picture of this long haired hippie dude talking about revolution showing up at Thanksgiving in 1965 makes me laugh so much.
That Canadian penny in the photo is about as rare these days as the rock it's sitting on!

There is another possibility not mentioned in the article, Panspermia, life came to earth from space as bacteria inside a comet let's say, it evolved elsewhere first. The early date for complex life suggests this possibility too.
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