Happy thread :)

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go go kid

Well-Known Member
what makes me happy of late is a wild phesant has started hanging around the propaty and has become quite friendly. i thinkhe saw me with the chickens and wandered over to see what was going on.
i was feeding the chickens by hand, he wandered over, made no attempt to do the same, so i threw a bunch of bird seed over in front of him. he ghas discovered the bird feeding platform and now stands on top making a noise untill i come out and feed him.
he wont stay on the platform as i put the seed downn, but jumps off untill i have put the food down before jumping back up again.
also, we have a pair of ducks in the top pond and it looks like there here to stay, so baby ducklings are on the table.
im hopeing that thephesant pairs up with a female and does the same, ive never seen a baby phesant, but if it happens, i can see them not being scared of me too. now that makes me happy


Well-Known Member
I'm in similar environment, very rural, serene, critters galore. It's a great feeling making those connections. It enables me to see the world clearer and feel part of the bigger picture. Had a goat that hiked with me all the time, now a couple of feral cats do. We have a clan of crows here also. Been around long time......part of our tribe.......amazing birds. Those damn animals are my "achilles heel ", can get inside your head.


Well-Known Member
Happy for friendly banter.

Hey @blu3bird, check out these fresh butter tarts I was just gifted. They have raisins, walnuts, coconut and home made maple syrup in them. You probably wouldn't like them though. Just a wee bit of payback for your munchie inducing, stealth, ninja-like food temptation station posts, under the guise of survival. :D



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'Like comfort food': Trailer Park Boys cast reflects on 20 years of life in Sunnyvale | CBC News

'Like comfort food': Trailer Park Boys cast reflects on 20 years of life in Sunnyvale
A low-budget short film from Nova Scotia defied the odds and became a global phenomenon
The Trailer Park Boys have been a staple of Canadian culture for the past 20 years. From left are characters Ricky (Robb Wells), Bubbles (Mike Smith) and Julian (John Paul Tremblay). (Trailer Park Boys)

It's been 20 years since the loveable lugs known as the Trailer Park Boys first hit Canadian television.

Set in Nova Scotia's fictional Sunnyvale Trailer Park, the mockumentary focused on the lives of petty criminals Julian, Ricky and Bubbles, their bizarre exploits — which included lots of dope growing and even kidnapping Rita MacNeil on one occasion to help harvest the crop — as well as frequent drug and alcohol consumption.

"It was really like The Waltons, with guns and drugs and liquor," said actor Mike Smith, who plays Bubbles.

In honour of the show's anniversary, CBC News spoke to some of the cast members about why the show continues to connect with people worldwide, and its unlikely origins.
Interviews have been condensed and edited for clarity.


Well-Known Member
Who knew? When you only work the first three months of the year, your taxes are lower. Still a pain in the ass to do though.


Well-Known Member
Not sure where else to put it, maybe the gun thread. In any case the parents will not be messing this two year old. Needs to use two hands though, at least until he gets more hand strength. I would be proud of him getting two shots off though.

2-year-old in Maine shoots parents with unsecured gun
A 2-year-old boy in Maine injured himself and his parents when he accidentally shot them Wednesday after grabbing a loaded handgun off a nightstand in their bedroom.
The child shot his 22-year-old mother in the leg, and father, 25, in the back of his head, reports the Times Record. The mother's injury was described as a "clean gunshot wound," and the father received a minor injury.
The boy was reportedly injured when the gun recoiled and hit his face.
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