what makes me happy of late is a wild phesant has started hanging around the propaty and has become quite friendly. i thinkhe saw me with the chickens and wandered over to see what was going on.
i was feeding the chickens by hand, he wandered over, made no attempt to do the same, so i threw a bunch of bird seed over in front of him. he ghas discovered the bird feeding platform and now stands on top making a noise untill i come out and feed him.
he wont stay on the platform as i put the seed downn, but jumps off untill i have put the food down before jumping back up again.
also, we have a pair of ducks in the top pond and it looks like there here to stay, so baby ducklings are on the table.
im hopeing that thephesant pairs up with a female and does the same, ive never seen a baby phesant, but if it happens, i can see them not being scared of me too. now that makes me happy