Happy thread :)

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A group founded by parents of kid lost during the Parkland HS mass shooting pranked NRA leadership into giving graduation speeches to a field of empty chairs that represented the ones who were lost to gun violence and did not make a live graduation:

The group staged a ceremony in Las Vegas for the graduating class of James Madison Academy, a school that does not exist. They invited David Keene, an NRA board member who served as president of the group between 2011 to 2013; and John Lott, an author and gun rights activist.

Both gave their remarks in what they were told was a rehearsal, BuzzFeed News reported. The result? Videos of the men addressing a sea of empty seats representing the estimated 3,044 students who should have graduated this year but didn’t because they were killed by guns. The organization refers to these students as “The Lost Class.”

Both speakers praised founding father James Madison ― the fake school’s namesake ― for proposing the Second Amendment and criticized efforts to introduce gun safety measures.

The image of NRA leaders giving speeches to an audience of dead children is haunting and a damn fine prank.
The Pepsi one reminded me of the time at work. We stacked pallets three high. The floor is not always level and the guys on the forklift really were good. But one time, oops. Caught something and almost a whole pallet of beer on the ground. Smelled better than the fish though. Had to clean it up and move the other stacks to mop up the beer benieth them. Because if it sits it turns bad and the fish starts to smell good in comparison.
Increasing Pressure Threatens To Burst Trump Bubble With Potentially Concerning Fallout

Rachel Maddow rounds up the recent spate of bad news for Donald Trump, not the least of which is the new revelation that the business at the core of his identity could be threatened by criminal charges in a matter of days, and expresses concern for how Trump followers will react as their fantasy continues to fall apart.
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