Happy thread :)

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Happy AF shutting down for the night early so I can get up and roll back to Michigan at 1am in the morning. I ran hard today and am exhausted.

I did a short notice relay down to Jonesboro Arkansas. I have a hard time telling my boss no when he's giving me a % of this load as a bonus for doing this once it gets delivered.

Anyways here's a bunch of pics from today maybe you guys will like

Illinois I-57 South

About to cross the Mississippi River at the Illinois/Missouri border, south on I-57

Gummi frogs to snack on

Bad ass black Peterbilt at this Love's truckstop

Another good looking Pete


Love's Jonesboro Arkansas

Laying down, stretching my legs out and chilling in the bunk with my girl, AC is kicking and feels so good. It's a warm one today down here, like 90° and somewhat humid.
Happy AF shutting down for the night early so I can get up and roll back to Michigan at 1am in the morning. I ran hard today and am exhausted.

I did a short notice relay down to Jonesboro Arkansas. I have a hard time telling my boss no when he's giving me a % of this load as a bonus for doing this once it gets delivered.

Anyways here's a bunch of pics from today maybe you guys will like

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Illinois I-57 South

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About to cross the Mississippi River at the Illinois/Missouri border, south on I-57

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Gummi frogs to snack on

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Bad ass black Peterbilt at this Love's truckstop

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Another good looking Pete

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Love's Jonesboro Arkansas

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Laying down, stretching my legs out and chilling in the bunk with my girl, AC is kicking and feels so good. It's a warm one today down here, like 90° and somewhat humid.
It seems @blu3bird that you love your life.
That's very cool, especially in these times.
What's your dog's name?
One of my mom's friends used to send a boy she had working for her to cut the grass around Mamma's grave. I will admit the folks down there are not the complaining kind, so I do let it slip from time to time. But for now, the grass is cut. Even the parking area.

I just cut one charge worth a day, so it took four or five days to finish. This was day before yesterday. I didn't quite use up the whole charge before the rain came.
She pounds it. She practically wraps the club around her neck and goes way past parallel but she usually makes solid contact.

She’s a natural but not too serious about it though. It’s just a fun activity we can do together.
Sometimes, I wish I had kids. After all, I'm part kid.
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