Happy thread :)

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"Mike Lindell was thrown out of the Republican Governors Association event yesterday. Have a wonderful Wednesday."
Is that the My Pillow guy? I finally got a new pillow. It’s pretty awesome. A Layla 5 layers of interchangeable foam and fluff. I bought one of those 30 pound heavy glass beaded blankets that keep you cool as well. Lol. It was so fucking heavy I could t even move it on the bed and one night it felt like the weight had broke my foot and ankle. Haha! Returned it and will try out the 15 pound one next or maybe just get some more bamboo sheets.
Is that the My Pillow guy? I finally got a new pillow. It’s pretty awesome. A Layla 5 layers of interchangeable foam and fluff. I bought one of those 30 pound heavy glass beaded blankets that keep you cool as well. Lol. It was so fucking heavy I could t even move it on the bed and one night it felt like the weight had broke my foot and ankle. Haha! Returned it and will try out the 15 pound one next or maybe just get some more bamboo sheets.
Yep it's the my Pillow crazy.
I have trouble with sleep, especially in spring and summer as the days get longer. Last week I made my bedroom zero lux and blocked off the light from the windows, it helped. I also bought some melatonin and that helps too, so does getting my exercise in the day. I got a fitbit a couple of weeks ago and it tracks my sleep and is whipping my ass into shape too! :lol:
Yep it's the my Pillow crazy.
I have trouble with sleep, especially in spring and summer as the days get longer. Last week I made my bedroom zero lux and blocked off the light from the windows, it helped. I also bought some melatonin and that helps too, so does getting my exercise in the day. I got a fitbit a couple of weeks ago and it tracks my sleep and is whipping my ass into shape too! :lol:
Those are really great solutions! I also have a blackout window and got a really nice soft cooling mattress topper that has copper in it to help keep my body cool when sleeping. my biggest battle sleeping is keeping cool but I love to be covered with blankets. The heavy blanket was great but too heavy. My bed is so comfortable that the idea of another night at a rotten hotel with an uncomfortable mattress makes me never want to travel again. It’s a total crap shoot when you get a hotel. How how the fuck are you to know how the mattress is until you check in?
. . . . . . . I bought one of those 30 pound heavy glass beaded blankets that keep you cool as well. Lol. It was so fucking heavy I could t even move it on the bed and one night it felt like the weight had broke my foot and ankle. Haha! .. . . . . . . .
As a hiker, I reject the concept. I cut things from my pack to save a few extra ounces.
I don’t know but he hasn’t posted in a long time.
Last seen on May 11, I PM'd him yesterday, but I haven't heard back yet. He was reluctant to get the vaccine, so I was chatting with him awhile back about it on PM, even sent him a offer of free beer one of the breweries was promoting on May 1st.

It's spring and the weather is nice, so like me, he might be out in the fresh air more.
As a hiker, I reject the concept. I cut things from my pack to save a few extra ounces.
I am trying to figure out how to make a sort-of teardrop trailer that weighs about 500 lb's. Car has limited towing capacity (actually not recomended) and these old bones are not keen no a layer of canvas along with laying on the ground.
I am trying to figure out how to make a sort-of teardrop trailer that weighs about 500 lb's. Car has limited towing capacity (actually not recomended) and these old bones are not keen no a layer of canvas along with laying on the ground.
We own one of these and love it. 250 pounds by itself. Made for towing by a motorcycle. We tow it with a small SUV.

When we bought ours, it was a British Columbia company. Easy to set up and as you say, gets our old bones off the ground. We put our kid's tent and bags in the carry pod up front and our sleeping gear stows in the trailer. The tongue can be removed and some stands are attached so that it can be stored standing on-end in the garage during winter.

The manufacturer-made mattress is worth the extra cost and weight. The awning is not (terrible if the wind comes up).

edit: seems that they are still in BC, this company says they are the manufacturers:

they list this dealer for Southern Ontario Ontario and Eastern Canada.


Not my car (soft top in Oregon? no thank you)
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No, won't be doing a popup. That is cute though. I am hoping to do something along this line.

We have a teardrop too but at 900 pounds, it's too heavy to be towed by a car. I have a pickup for that. I like it a lot, especially when the weather is bad. The little pop up is just for summer.
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