Harborside Going Down...F%$*


Active Member
This place is the only place I know of to have pure CBD drops for my seizures!
This is why we need to have CBD genetics widely available. I can't wait for that day to arrive and I will be doing what I can to hurry it along. I've tried bud that was 7% THC, 7% CBD and it's amazing for nerve pain which is otherwise insufferable at times; it also doesn't really sedate you (no couchlock), is more clear headed, calmer, not much effect on memory... I imagine pure CBD must be awesome.

Take care... I don't have it but I know epilepsy is a huge bitch... it's outrageous they can try to take a working medicine from you.


Active Member
in theory couldn't you kill off main players in big pharma so marijuana could have a clean path to legalization?
who would those players be?

again i dont want anyone to misquote me saying im for murdering these people...
but hypothetically...


Active Member
oh god riu... dont hyperlink words in my post...
when you start selling out like that your sight looses popularity and will fail.
mods pass that message forward


Active Member
Read the Grapes of Wrath. John Steinbeck touches on this issue - if you eliminate one, there's always another to take his place. The problem isn't the individuals, it's the system.


Well-Known Member
in theory couldn't you kill off main players in big pharma so marijuana could have a clean path to legalization?
who would those players be?

again i dont want anyone to misquote me saying im for murdering these people...
but hypothetically...
It's NOT just the pharmaceutical companies in the way.


Active Member
who else is on the list..

i was simply trying to paraphrase quickly..
umm off the top of my head,
lumber industry
im sure a few politicians...

who else is on the hypothetical hit list?


Active Member
well yes, but im sure there are more outside of the police force as a whole and the attorneys you talk about..
i also think that you can be more specific..
as in, who's benefiting the MOST in the police force, etc

basically im saying if we, or anyone could make a list consisting of names that are in the way of mj legalization, then someone would act upon that list. maybe not by murdering them or anything like that.. but by taking them out of power somehow, removing their credentials and whatnot


Well-Known Member
basically im saying if we, or anyone could make a list consisting of names that are in the way of mj legalization, then someone would act upon that list. maybe not by murdering them or anything like that.. but by taking them out of power somehow, removing their credentials and whatnot
let me guess... you must be 14 years old??


Well-Known Member
So your asking the members of this forum to make up a hit list for people that
don't agree with you?? I'll start.
No.1 on the list ctwalrus

Your not any better than these ass hats you want to see on a list.
You think talk like that is going to help the cause??
Now if there was a list of politicians that are against weed and proof of their
actions to keep it against the law.
Say it was out during voting season then that list would have some teeth.
But you have to be OLD ENOUGH to vote.


Active Member
Could it be that the Fed picked Harborside as a test case. The U.S. Attorney is just doing their job. If it goes to court on appeal and they loose - perhaps the Fed law will be changed. I won't change any other way.