I'm Canadian, have absolutely no problem with the vast majority of Uk'ers on here. I apologize for my generalization of the UK folks. It's wrong and uncalled for.
However I take great offense to someone spreading bad advice. Even more so when the user spreading the bad advice makes a thread trying to get me banned because he didn't like me telling him facts when he's copy and pasting things he doesn't fully understand.
As for being a worrier everyone is when they are starting out, I'd argue if you aren't worrying about your plants you're not going to be a good grower in the long run. Too much worry can be an issue

As I am sure you've experienced

I'm still there, I've only been doing this for a few years, made and continue to make more then my fair share of mistakes.

Live and learn.
As for uncleben he's an expert, if the results aren't top notch he's not interested. Glad you finished them out though you learn a lot more that way. He's got a lot of great principles to follow even though I don't follow his synthetic feeding principles.