hard water, alkaline, ph climb normal?

funk ya

I have well water, thats it, its alkaline(green) and needs to be ph a lot, to get it down to 5.5 /6.0 ... I am not getting the water from the faucet cuz it uses a salt/filter system for the drinking water, so I use the old outdoor hand crank and get it right out of the ground (more minerals in hard water so is that better for the plants right?) anyways, I swear the waters ph is climbing back up, I checked a leftover bucket of solution after a few days and it was higher! (or I was ...lol) is this normal?


Well-Known Member
Hard water is fine for growing plants as long as you know what all is in it. Water that is too hard is not good for growing because it causes salt buildup and basically interferes with the nutrients you are giving the plant. pH will climb or drop depending on what is in the water. Check my water thread out. Click on the link in my signature. You may find it helpful.:weed:

funk ya

DUDE .......... COMMON!! IM ON THE COUCH MAN !! lol (see complicated figures and charts) seriously good info there, thanks ....uggghhh Poseidon, God of Water!


Well-Known Member
no thats not normal. i used to have the same problem then i went to a hard water micro because of my tap water.
try the lucas formula with hard water micro, it saved my op.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
Buy both hardwater and regualr micro. See what works better. With my tapwater reg micro ended up working better.

funk ya

anyone know what is in the hard water micro? dose it self adjust ph? or something to do with the excessive minerals in the water?

funk ya

anyone know what is in the hard water micro? dose it self adjust ph? or something to do with the excessive minerals in the water? my water is 7.9 ph `!


Well-Known Member
i am not 100% sure but i think it includes a PH buffer for tap water. i know my water comes out of the tap around 7.5 and normally i dont have to PH down my mix with the hard water micro from GH. it will stay at 5.9.

funk ya

sweet, I know AN was coming out with ph buffed nutes, and it didnt, now it might be avv. ? ? As in all there products were going to be buffed..... Thats a different story.... But that hard water micro must be deisgned to ballance the ph, hard water/alkaline... same thing right... I just didnt know AN made the hard/micro... Nice. I use AN products .... I just got there PH down, so when that runs out, I may be able to run 2 for 1(hard/micro) now ... thanks bro ! funny avatar man


Well-Known Member
anyone know what is in the hard water micro? dose it self adjust ph? or something to do with the excessive minerals in the water? my water is 7.9 ph `!
The hardwater micro has less calcium and maybe less magnesium in it.:blsmoke:

tea tree

Well-Known Member
trust me try them both if one does not give you satisfaction. I am using regular micro and tapwater with a calium 10 points under what is tech "hard'. When I used hardwater micro it kept my ph at 7.5 no matter what I did. But when I switched to reg micro I recieved an auto ph of 6.2 that STAYED at 5.8. once I took it there with Ph down. Very cool. I could not keep my ph stable to reg tapwarer and reg micro was used.