Harrasing people on omegle!


Well-Known Member
Isn't it fun? Post your funny conversations.

Stranger: hi

You: hi!

Stranger: guy / girl ?

You: girl

You: you?

Stranger: ohw nice sexy

Stranger: how old are you ?

You: 15

You: you?

Stranger: im 18

You: awww.... i like older men

Stranger: where are you from ?

You: usa

You: what are you doin sexy?

Stranger: im chating with strangers, you ?

You: lol! same

Stranger: nice

You: what do you look like?

Stranger: people say that I recall brad pitt

Stranger: what do you look like ?

You: well.....

You: i'm 4 ft 11, blonde hair, blue eyes.

You: what are you wearing?

Stranger: now i only have underwear

You: oh.

Stranger: you ?

You: a cute lace teddy my mom bought me.

Stranger: thats very sexy

Stranger: do you got an hotmail ?

You: no. I'm not allowed to have email. :(

Stranger: thats booring :(

You: I'm sorry! :

Stranger: i want to see you

You: :(

Stranger: in cam

You: i'm not allowed to have a cam either! My mom took it from me.

Stranger: thats not fun :(

You: I know! she took it because i kept talking to boys.

Stranger: can you you give me some sexy words ?

You: you're a bad boy! I like that!

You: What would you want to do to me? ;)

Stranger: i want to take you from behind

You: what do you mean baby? ;)

Stranger: i want to fuck you from behind baby ;)

You: Well then you might have to push my dick out of the way you fuckin faggot pedophile.

Stranger: i can fuck you to

Stranger: too

Stranger: your fucking cunt

You: I don't have a cunt baby. I may just turn you around and fuck you.

Stranger: come on your fucking cunt !

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Well-Known Member
I tried to rep you for that but I have to spread it around. That was fucking hilarious, I had a pretty fucking funny conversation with a guy from thailand. He was incredibly anti-drug and I just kept asking him about weed and asking him to smoke with me, his answers were great. I wish I had that saved....


Well-Known Member
Funny stuff dude. I have never been on that side before but I might have to give if a try. +rep im still laughing


Well-Known Member
You: hi

Stranger: hey what you doing

You: i'm smokin a bowl. You?

Stranger: bout to take a flow

You: Awesome.

You: I'm not sure if I wanna go take a shit or eat some more doritos.

Stranger: do both

You: what do you think?

You: Simultaneously?

Stranger: eat the doritos while your taking a shit

You: that's not a bad idea.

You: but I usually smoke a joint while I take a shit

You: I think joint trumps doritos...

Stranger: well if i were you i would smoke a bowl.. then take a shit while your eating doritos.. then roll and smoke the joint

You: That's not a bad idea at all!

Stranger: then i would play xbox

You: Dude, how do you feel about inter-species erotica?

Stranger: its not bad.. i used too like it alot but then i started watching midget porn and i find it much better

Stranger: its amazing how they are able to fuck ya know

You: I wonder if a midget whore costs half price?

Stranger: good question.. i guess it would depend on your height.. have you ever had the pleasure of fucking a midget?

You: no.

You: But I did fuck a donkey once.

Stranger: no way.. i always wanted to do that

Stranger: how was it?

Stranger: did it hurt?

Stranger: was your ass bleeding after?

You: No. His was.

Stranger: you think he enjoyed it even though his ass was bleeing after?

You: I'm sure he did. I gave him a reach around.

Stranger: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://newbienudes.xblogspot.com/files/2008/09/7320959061.jpg&imgrefurl=http://newbienudes.xblogspot.com/&usg=__Jxsimnwqyk4-RldaErQjSvFfZTk=&h=420&w=560&sz=30&hl=en&start=13&tbnid=5hiEkx1GmdnnFM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=133&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dguy%2Bfucking%2Ba%2Bhorse%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG

Stranger: was it like this?

You: exactly. that shit was SO CASH
Stranger: your sick man
You: No I'm not.
You: I'm the only normal person left
You: You're fuckin brainwashed man.
You: The aliens landed at roswell and they've taken over the whitehouse.
Stranger: o shit.. so how do we protect ourselves from the aliens?
You: We gotta fuckin invent the proton phasers dude. WTF don't you know this shit?
You: We gotta find there spaceship (The government has it.
You: )
You: Shit
You: I forgot that.

Stranger: so how do we get if from the government

You: We fuckin steal it bro

You: I haven't figured out where it is yet. But I have it down to somewhere in huntington, AL

Stranger: well fuck thats only like 2 hours away from me.. i can go get it if you want me to

You: I'll be there in 3 hours. Can I count on you to meet me there?

Stranger: ill be there man.. wanna meet at the taco bell across the street from the walmart?

You: I got a better idea. Meet me at city hall. We're gonna take over.

You: So help me god mother fucker if you flake on me, or turn me in I'll find you.

You: so be a homey.

Stranger: you know i wouldnt do that to you bra.. its for the good of mankind

Stranger: you like mustard?

You: you're right.

You: I don't.

Stranger: me either

You: That shit isn't good for you. It's got a certain tracking paste in it. The government can locate you anywhere on the planet.

You: you there man?

You: They didn't get to you. did that?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Well-Known Member
IDK why this is so fun. Lol.

You: what?

Stranger: what?

You: What? What do you want?

You: You connected to me. Can you please tell me WHY! I dont have all freakin day!!!!

Stranger: i want some pussy

You: Well bend the fuck over I'll show you where yours is.

Stranger: fuck you


Well-Known Member
THIS SHIT IS FUNNY!!!:clap: Well done.

That first one saddens me.:cry: I hate to think their are ppl out there like that.

The 2nd and 3rd are classic. If wouldn't of got all serious he would've been sitting and waiting for you. LMAO!!:peace:


Active Member
This conversation carried out forever.

You: asl

Stranger: hey

Stranger: where you from

You: swamps and shit

Stranger: fuck

Stranger: you

Stranger: shit

Stranger: your

Stranger: mother

You: omegle is funny as fuck

Stranger: go to eat shit

Stranger: i am angry too

You: lol

Stranger: 010

Stranger: cary

Stranger: crazy

You: George Bush fucking Saddam Hussen while both are wearing negliges

Stranger: oh come on

Stranger: little puppy

You: don't come on me

Stranger: sweet

Stranger: turtle

You: turtle, you took like a half a minute to type that last line and all you put was turtle?

Stranger: yes

You: touche

Stranger: rabbit

Stranger: ok??

You: there's a kid's story about those two animals racing.

Stranger: your name is rabbit

Stranger: WoW so fast

Stranger: are you kid??

You: No, I am big strong mountain man.

Stranger: i am small ant kid

Stranger: haha

Stranger: where are you from

You: The New Orleans

Stranger: oh

Stranger: big guy

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: so cool

Stranger: i want to be strong too

Stranger: like an air plane

Stranger: or something big

You: strength is more a testament of character than a physical manifestaion.

Stranger: oh

Stranger: really

You: I guess

Stranger: my mom tell me eat more vegetable

You: I like vegetables espcially bell peppers

Stranger: like goat

Stranger: oh i like fruit

You: My favorite thing to eat that grows from the ground is marijuana though,

Stranger: oh

Stranger: you ........

Stranger: oh

Stranger: me.......

You: dot dot dot

Stranger: sorry

Stranger: i forget to take my medicine

You: That's ok medicine these days are all salt mixed amphetamines anyway.

Stranger: i am a little bit crazy

Stranger: so i go to see a doctor 24hours a day

Stranger: hole day

Stranger: hole month

You: Damn the doctor must love you.

Stranger: hole year

Stranger: yes

Stranger: he think i am cute

Stranger: he is my grandpa

Stranger: my grandma loves him so much

You: Thats sweet, they should get married.

Stranger: but

Stranger: he loves me more

Stranger: strange

Stranger: but i like it

You: Does he make you cookie

You: When I love someone I make them cookies

Stranger: yes

You: Nice

Stranger: big big cookie

Stranger: as big as my head

Stranger: cool

Stranger: yeah

You: it's been real, it's been fun, maybe real fun but I must go now au voir fair well