Harsh leafs and burning tips.. Please help


Hello there I'm back, i have been hard time with my plant since the last time i posted help report 20 days ago. However, the plant has increased it's size and more buds coming out, but the problem is that I'm still having leaf tips burnt problem, as i stopped giving nutrients and watering it with water mixes with bio root simulation.after that the plant has grown with many small new leafs.

I had also problem with small flies around the plant and in the bottom of the soil, so i placed a flies electric trap. Now I'm having less flies because I'm not overwatering the plant and they don't find a wet soil then the die.

Now I'm confused don't know what is the cause of the problem i need your assistance please.. :(

The other problem that i have is leafs are harsh and looks dry specially when i touch it, i feel like its harsh and dry and waterless.. Help me please my friends. I've swtich the lighting to high pressure sodium 400 watts yellow lamp. I wanted to start flowering stage can i now?

The top of the plant is bending to the side and im really worried about it.

Here is some pictures.


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Well-Known Member
From what I see above pics ...all is ok, a little dry perhaps, low humidity but that ok, it will annoy the gnats

imo/ I'd potup a couple of gallons, trash the tray under that holds excess water, a breeding site for gnats

and the pretty rocks, and drop her to flower, perhaps flush first in prep for the flowering nutes in about 10 days

chill you are doing well

good luck


From what I see above pics ...all is ok, a little dry perhaps, low humidity but that ok, it will annoy the gnats

imo/ I'd potup a couple of gallons, trash the tray under that holds excess water, a breeding site for gnats

and the pretty rocks, and drop her to flower, perhaps flush first in prep for the flowering nutes in about 10 days

chill you are doing well

good luck
Thanks i appreciate your help I'll do it and I'm looking forward to the flowering stage as the plant took alot of effort from me though, but I'll stand till i reach the final result of smooth fresh smoke.

What about the burned leaf tips? It's starting from the bottom and the top is ok though.
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Well-Known Member
Ensure you have a fan temp gauge and humidity gauge in there

if too dry ..below 50% add a bowel of water with a dash of neem oil

I use neem as a bug and mold killer, shines the leaves, hides smell

and good general overall conditioner

good luck


Thank you for your swift reply dude , alright I'll increase the humidity up to 60% and see how it will turn out.


You need to get her into something bigger man. She's trapped. I'd pop her in a 5 gal, top her then watch her explode.


This is the latest leaf fallen just now and it's looks very bad also the reddish color in the bottom of the leaf. With reddish purple starting from the base of the leaves now in all over the plant this happened after i mixed some more liquid fertilizer nutrients and i think it's over nutrients am i right please somebody help me.

In addition i found a lot of these gnats below


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