Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

hey stink
If this idea has alrighty been brought up sorry this post is long as fuck lol. Anyway reading high times they were talking about the idea of using fog from a fogger instead of sprayers. I read more and am incorporating this idea into your brilliant aeroponic setups. It seems like it would work great filling all the gaps with fog giving every inch of roots great oxygen, moisture, and nutrients. Also you wouldnt have to build all those damn pvc things with all those pumps you could hook systems together and run them off one fogger if they have the same nutes therefore preventing the use of the 1/2 inch pvc, all those 1/2 inch pvc fittings, and all the misters. Also there will be no nutes or any pvc shit in the roughneck rez. so this will be more room for fog and roots. They are saying now that this idea of fogponics is the future of hydro especially in this sort of a set up. My seeds are sprouting now cheese, trainwreck, white rhino, great white shark, and lemon skunk plus a couple of purple kush clones that i will take when the seeds get a little bigger for a uniform grow. Seeds are sprouting now I have only built the cloner so ill work on getting a system set up and ill let yall know.

Ultrasonic fogging is special, do your research first. You will find that the nutrients are anything but the same.

Expect pH swings and plant nutrient problems. I opt to just use the fogger to build fine root structure in the beginning of the veg stage using pure RO water.
Ultrasonic fogging is special, do your research first. You will find that the nutrients are anything but the same.

Expect pH swings and plant nutrient problems. I opt to just use the fogger to build fine root structure in the beginning of the veg stage using pure RO water.

Yea i just starting reading more it would be hard to incorporate the fog into the flowering room system. To give u an idea of the nutes im using im going by stinks nute schedule. U think i should only do the fogger in the cloner for 3 weeks or should i also use it in the veg system for week 3-6?
Work with the density of your fog and use it to develop fine roots in any system, be careful as it might make the environment a bit too damp. Do not use a fogger as the main way to feed a plant, it will not work. It is a long road of tinkering ahead of you.
Hey Stifling,

I love what you did with Stinkbud's aeroponic design that you posted on page 279. I plan on building something similar this summer. My workspace will be 2ft by 4ft. Could you give us some pointers how you constructed yours? I'd really appreciate knowing what mod's you did and how it all fit together.

Thanks! :weed:

I have a quick question for those that have seen and done this can you help me?Have you ever had a plant that grows SUPER slow comapred to others from seed? When it gets big enough FINALLY that you take clones from it will it grow at a normal rate or slow like the mother? Thanks guys!kiss-ass
I have a quick question for those that have seen and done this can you help me?Have you ever had a plant that grows SUPER slow comapred to others from seed? When it gets big enough FINALLY that you take clones from it will it grow at a normal rate or slow like the mother? Thanks guys!kiss-ass

Some plants just have a hard time of it in this cruel world. You'll notice that in this system, at each step of the way, as the plants progress from clones to veg and then to the flowering chambers, the number of available slots gets fewer so a few non-performing plants get "laid off" between clone-veg and veg-flower.
Some plants just have a hard time of it in this cruel world. You'll notice that in this system, at each step of the way, as the plants progress from clones to veg and then to the flowering chambers, the number of available slots gets fewer so a few non-performing plants get "laid off" between clone-veg and veg-flower.

Evolution :fire:
Started my first flush a couple days ago! Some of those buds look picture perfect:weed: No doubt this will be the best grow I've ever done. Oh wait.. it's like #3 haha.

Since I've been doing my flush I've been checking the ppm and pH daily. I use pH strips... I've already gone through two milwaukee brand digital pH probes... eff that ish. anway.. I was reading it under the HPS light and freaked out! The green pH was right on, but the other indicators were off the chart! I've been doing nightly res changes because of this!! haha

Have you noticed after adding clearex to your water the ppm drops? I think the sugars chelate metals... rendering them harder/impossible to detect with the EC meter.


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But this is a plant that was started from t ONE seed in a $800/1oz bag that was unreal. It has been a slow grower but looks very healthy. What I am wondering is if once it is large enough to take clones will those clones act normally or be very slow growers? I guess it depends if it was a root stunt thing or something environmental.
It was germined in PT 11/26
Potted 11/29
Repotted 1/26 (5" tall and bush-topped at 3")That is it on the back far right in the pic. The little bitty one is a new California Orange, and the little one behind and to the left is a new Blueberry Feminized. The two on the far left are Blueberry fems for the next batch of clones, and the one bushy one is setting deeper in the tub is a Bubble Gum mother from last Oct. She has given me 40 cuttings and the one between her and the ONE IN QUESTION is a replacement for her (one of her clones).
What is the consensus? Am I destined to have a super slow growing strain? I still have to presex it. It could be a boy.:wall:


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Hey Stifling,

I love what you did with Stinkbud's aeroponic design that you posted on page 279. I plan on building something similar this summer. My workspace will be 2ft by 4ft. Could you give us some pointers how you constructed yours? I'd really appreciate knowing what mod's you did and how it all fit together.

Thanks! :weed:


I appreciate your interest. I mostly did anything I could think of to minimize the vertical and horizontal footprint. To start I made it so that nothing would protrude from the end caps, and they are in fact sealed with silicone inside and out.

In the first picture you'll see the fitting I made for a modified drain. It's a grommet I got at the hardware store used to make hollow rivets, I think. It was a bit too short so with a C-clamp I pressure fitted a 2" piece of brass tubing that I got at a hobby shop. This is then epoxied to the bottom, from the inside, so that it lays perfectly flat on the inside. I squeezed it down tight with a clamp until it hardened a bit since I don't want any water pooling inside the post. Using a hose clamp I attach tubing to direct the draining water back into the reservoir.

Also, the water inlet is attached thru the top of the post, and not the endcaps. It's at a slight angle so that the hose won't go directly over the post but more along the side of it. I cut pieces of garden hose to length, and added fittings, to attach each post inlet to the pump outlet splitter. I use the garden hose instead of hard fitting pvc pipe because it allows me to switch out posts easily, so I can move plants easily to even out the growing without having to take them out of the holes.

These two modifications probably save 6-12 inches of horizontal length.

The nozzles are the same, one in between each two pot holes, so in these posts there are actually only 3 nozzles between the 4 holes. The water drains slowly enough that the roots get plenty.

To save vertical space, I use a 28 quart generic Sterlite storage container, spray painted black on the outside. These aren't the most resilient containers, so I nest it inside another. You can't tell in a picture, but I laid a strip of tape vertically on the front of the tub before spraypainting, then removed it when the paint dried. This allows me to see the water level inside the reservoir.

In the third picture you may notice that I drilled a tiny hole in the post by the end cap. Because the post and pump is a mostly sealed system, without this hole air pressure builds up and pushes the pots out of the holes.

I only fill it to 4 gallons, which I marked on the tub, and top it off when it falls to 3 gallons, which I also marked. This way I don't have to take the top off or anything since it's a real pain in the ass.

You may notice the wooden frame is much smaller than you would think. I did this purposely so that by angling the tub correctly I can slide the tub out from under it and out the closet door. If I had not done it this way I would have to remove the whole system every time I needed to get into the tub. In fact, if i need to top off the reservoir I just do it through a pot hole, as I avoid moving the tub if at all possible.

Make sure you caulk the endcaps only at the very last, as once it is sealed you can't really change anything without removing them. It's not actually hard to remove them with a utility knife, but then you may have to wait another week for the silicone to dry after you caulk them back on.

Besides that, everything else is the same. Same nutrients, same timer, same spacing of seven inches in all directions. Since this is only for personal use growing and I don't really want plants taller than two or three feet, I got rid of all plant supports. The friction of the pot in the hole is enough to hold it up and the plants seem fine.

I don't think I've wasted a single inch, but it does lead to the problem that it's more difficult to clean the inside of the post. Luckily, I've not really had any grime build up to the point where I've had to do anything drastic.

So there you have it, a 12" tall system with a 21" by 28" footprint good enough to handle a dozen 30" plants. I'm quite proud of it, but I'd never had done it without the wonderful information from our benefactor Stinkbud. :)


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Your so right Stink... K.I.S.S thats what makes your system so great.

somebody was testing red grape last night, and now has a new favorite!!! dude this red grape is unreal..anyone ever heard of it?

Everyone will love your buds bro. Most people have never smoked 100% organic with a long flush. It blows them away every time.

You can grow organic with soil but you can't get as complete of a flush as you can with hydro.

The thing I pride myself on is not the size or growth rate of my plants but the taste of my buds.

You will also notice how clean the buds burn. The ashes will be white when burned all the way.

How about that after sweet taste that hangs out on the back of your tongue after each hit? That's organic baby!
look at my leaf ask yourself what do u see indica or sativa or a perfect mix

That's a mix with a little more Sativa than I would of thought from a Kush strain.

In fact it looks closer to 50/50. That would tell me it must have a really nice balanced high too. If it finishes fairly fast I can see why it has become a legend in such a short time.

It must be awsome! Don't you just love all the flavors there are out there. It never gets old!

I can't wait to see how your babies come out. Keep the pics coming.
lol stinkbud thers nothing complex about a net i personally cant figure for the life of me why someone would want to go in there garden and use bread ties to hold up there buds if you have a net use ziptie and forget about it but hey what do i know kiss is rule and netting is as simple as it gets just think no more of getting your hands and clothes reaking of bud once my netting is put up i just relax and watch my buds get huge not dam i got to go in my room and use some ties to hold up my branches but to each his own a true genius is alwalys open mineded not my system is great and cant get any greater like the commet about replacing your bulbs everyround who does this does it really work try it u just might shock yourself peace bros knoldge is power and a closed mind will never let u excell:weed::clap:

That's not really the way it is though. I tie up my plants once and leave them. If I see a bud that could use more light I might move it a little but that's it.

I spend virtually no time messing with my plants support.

I'm very open minded about this though and look forward to seeing how the netting works.

I would have no problem using it if is as simple as you say.
hey stink
If this idea has alrighty been brought up sorry this post is long as fuck lol. Anyway reading high times they were talking about the idea of using fog from a fogger instead of sprayers. I read more and am incorporating this idea into your brilliant aeroponic setups. It seems like it would work great filling all the gaps with fog giving every inch of roots great oxygen, moisture, and nutrients. Also you wouldnt have to build all those damn pvc things with all those pumps you could hook systems together and run them off one fogger if they have the same nutes therefore preventing the use of the 1/2 inch pvc, all those 1/2 inch pvc fittings, and all the misters. Also there will be no nutes or any pvc shit in the roughneck rez. so this will be more room for fog and roots. They are saying now that this idea of fogponics is the future of hydro especially in this sort of a set up. My seeds are sprouting now cheese, trainwreck, white rhino, great white shark, and lemon skunk plus a couple of purple kush clones that i will take when the seeds get a little bigger for a uniform grow. Seeds are sprouting now I have only built the cloner so ill work on getting a system set up and ill let yall know.

StinksBuds made up word of the day:

Hydrobator - Someone who is constantly checking the PH, PPM and temps of their grow and is obsessed with fixing problems that don't exist.

Check out the issue of High Times coming out this June. I was just informed they are giving me the cover story.

Can you run organic nutrients with a fogger? My nutrient mix has a lot of large organic particles that would have a hard time atomizing and staying airborn.

From what I've read all those guys are running synthetic nutes. I could be wrong though.

For now I'll just have to deal with my shitty little pound harvest:-P.

Check out this pic and trust me on this bro. All those hydrobators growing with fog wish they could grow nugs as dank as this!

Simplicity is the key! Too bad no one can find the fucking door:o.


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I have a quick question for those that have seen and done this can you help me?Have you ever had a plant that grows SUPER slow comapred to others from seed? When it gets big enough FINALLY that you take clones from it will it grow at a normal rate or slow like the mother? Thanks guys!kiss-ass

All of my mostly Indica strains grow this way. They start off slow and do better with more veg time.

The strains with more Sativa will shoot up fast and grow tall.

None of this has anything to do with how good the bud will come out though. If you have a dank strain it will be good no matter how big the plant is.

What may happen is the clones will grow even slower. Plants from seed usually have something called Hybrid Vigor. The first generation of seeds will always grow bigger and faster than clones from the same plant.

Some breeders inbreed too much and the strains loose the hybrid vigor of the first generation.

That's why back crossing is never as good as having the original male and female to breed with.