Day 10 in Aerocloner, have 1 root on 1 clone

Am hoping the rest of my clones will follow by example

. 7-10 days about normal for roots?
It depends on the strain and where you take the cuttings. As long as they are not turning yellow everything is fine. You have to be patient.
Woody strains like Blueberry take a little longer than soft stemmed strains like AK47.
Also, if you take the small soft cuttings from the very bottom of the plant you will have more luck. The bottom branches have more of the cells and hormones it takes to start roots.
A small bottom cutting will pop roots and outgrow a large top cutting every time.
I've seen large woody cuttings take a month to pop roots. I was given some NYC Diesel cuttings that took a month to develop roots. The cuttings were large and taken from the top of the plant. I take cuttings from the bottom of those same clones now and they pop roots in a week.
4-7 days is quick, 7-10 days is normal and longer than 10 days is rare but happens.
As soon as you start following my complete system you will have clones coming out your ass. I have to give them away!
Remember, the cloner holds 23 cuttings but you only need 18 of those to go into veg. That means 5 of the cuttings stay an additional 3 weeks in the cloner.
Then you only take 14 plants out of the 18 for flower so 4 plants stay another 3 weeks in the veg unit.
This works great because if you have a slow growing strain you can let it get big enough before flower to actually produce a decent amount of bud.