Wow, I had quite the little glitch this morning.
I went in my flower room to check on things and noticed that one of the units had started leaking and after further investigation I found that there was so much root mass from my giant plant that it had stopped the drainage and effectivly damned up the post. So i had to get my mmcguyver hat on and finally decided to make a stent so to speak with some 1/4" copper tubing, pushed it through an wha la drainage! So dont veg your seedlings too long! I think the one plant could produce 3-4 ounces on its own!
One other tradgedy happened while I was sleeping as well, the tie down on the main stem of the above monster broke and I came in to see the main cola right up against the lense of the reflector, doh! It was only slighty scorched so hopefully it will recover. Quite the happening today!