Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!


Well-Known Member
Stink I know you can appreciate this. My Blueberry made little bannanas and I see at least one mature seed(do you?) but I am sure there are more. You may remember the plant I harvested early for meds a couple weeks ago. I found one seed in it and it was mature. There have NOT been ANY males in the room. I hope my other strains got some pollen too since there are different stages of flowering in there! Also one of these has light damage(how does white weed smoke?). I think most will be getting harvested really soon. I need medicine for pain so I want some a little past prime and most prime time if you follow me. Any advise on THIS would be appreciated. They wil have been flushed for one week on Thursday. Enjoy the pics from my little junky Nikon D80! Sweet camera Stink!:bigjoint:
I love the photos bro! Thanks for sharing.

That's cool that you got some male bananas. That's a perfect way to describe them. I see them late in flower on my Blueberry also. If I see them I'll pull them off and put them on a earlier batch of plants.

The seeds will only produce female plants. If the seed came from the same plant then it will be just like a clone.

Many times the seeds don't pop at all. I was all excited with last breeding I did. I mixed my BB with some Snowbud. The plants looked phat and all purple. But it didn't taste very good and not many crystals. Oh well.

This time I mixed some Skunk with my Blueberry, Purple Silver and Goo. One of the plants is 3 times the size of everything else!

Would you like to have your photos kick ass even more? Get a white piece of paper and go into your flower room when the lights are on.

Now set your white balance to manual. Point the camera at the white paper and set the white balance.

Don't forget to select manual white balance on your top dial. (vs. auto. daylight, cloudy,etc...)

I'm not sure of the exact details with your Nikon but I know you can do this.

Once you set a manual white balance you won't have to do it again unless you overwrite it.

Try it and post some more pics. You can do it bro, it's hard the first time but too easy after that...


Well-Known Member
I also questioned the strength of nutes when you go to veg - and got a few different answers... The guide says start at 1500 and move up to 2000. I started at about 1350 and that seemed a touch hot for my strain of OG Kush (some leaf tips curling over) - so I backed it down to 950 and all looks well. I am scrambling to finish my flower unit! I thought I was running the show...
Are the leaves curling up and over on the sides. Check out the photo I've included. If this is what you are talking about then this is a normal trait for the strain.

If the leaves are curling down, like a bird claw then that means you are too hot. Usually you will see tip burn long before you see the claw.

It looks like strains with more Indica like a low PPM and strains with more Sativa love the high doses.

Eventually if we all work together we can dial in every popular strain in the StinkBud system.

I've been experimenting (duh) lately with my nutes in the flower room. I've been running the grow formula for the first 2 weeks with Sweet added.

I find they stay a nice dark green during the whole stretch now. Before they would be a light green and then turn dark after the main stretch.

I'm getting ready to start my flush on one of my flower systems and I'm trying something new. I'm going to run Sweet instead of Clearex for the whole flush.

I love experimenting!



Well-Known Member
hey stink
my timer on my lights burned out and my lights was on for 23 hours
is this BAD or will they be ok
i put another timer on them and started lights out
thanks for any help
No worries bro! It takes a long time for plants to revert to veg mode.

Back in my soil days sometimes I would harvest most of the buds and then put the plant back under 24/0. In about 10-14 days new growth would appear. It worked great because the root system had already developed.

I even did this to one plant twice. It ended up looking like a big afro with a million tiny buds!


Well-Known Member
Update pic of netting. It seeme to be working great. it holds the shoots straight up.
That's interesting. So if I'm seeing that right, you kept the inner supports and expanded at the top. I was thinking of keeping the outer supports and losing the inner ones...


Well-Known Member
doublebubble you might want to adjust the white balance on your camera... those buds look really nice , but the yellow pics just dont do it justice.. peace
Thanks man. I agree the HPS sucks I just don't know how to adjust the white balance yet. I understand the concept but I have never done it and am not sure how you know when it is right or is it what looks most like it really looks?


Well-Known Member
I love the photos bro! Thanks for sharing.

That's cool that you got some male bananas. That's a perfect way to describe them. I see them late in flower on my Blueberry also. If I see them I'll pull them off and put them on a earlier batch of plants.

The seeds will only produce female plants. If the seed came from the same plant then it will be just like a clone.

Many times the seeds don't pop at all. I was all excited with last breeding I did. I mixed my BB with some Snowbud. The plants looked phat and all purple. But it didn't taste very good and not many crystals. Oh well.

This time I mixed some Skunk with my Blueberry, Purple Silver and Goo. One of the plants is 3 times the size of everything else!

Would you like to have your photos kick ass even more? Get a white piece of paper and go into your flower room when the lights are on.

Now set your white balance to manual. Point the camera at the white paper and set the white balance.

Don't forget to select manual white balance on your top dial. (vs. auto. daylight, cloudy,etc...)

I'm not sure of the exact details with your Nikon but I know you can do this.

Once you set a manual white balance you won't have to do it again unless you overwrite it.

Try it and post some more pics. You can do it bro, it's hard the first time but too easy after that...
I will do that once the lights come on in around 4 hours. It looks like some are self pollenated and others cross pollenated at least between the BB which did all come from seed so there are some differences. You see how different some look. If I had a plant that naturally split and got huge or one that had a cola twice the size of others if I reveg and then take clones will they show the same traits?:bigjoint:

Hey Stink, what do you do when you get some killer but don't know the strain and find one seed and it pops and is a female? Other than thank your lucky weed gods, LOL! I have coined it "Happy Daze" for my records but it looks great and smells like juicy fruit gum. It was incredible smoke. Is there some way to identify it or do I just name it or it crossed to BB when I do that?

Better Pics later!:weed:


Active Member

I am having a little problem with my plants they were all grown from seed ina rockwool cube inside the netted pots. Some of the plants grew mold in the rockwoool the first few weeks. these plants now have yellowing of the bottom leaves. at about 4 weeks i sprayed the cube with a very dilute water and hydrogen peroxide solution. The plants with this problem have substantially less aggresive root development now and I am trying to fix this do you have any suggestions?


Active Member
i was having the same problem with the rockwool, but i saw it within a few days.. i cut as far down the stem that i could and am re-rooting them... they were drooped ovre for about 12-18 hrs, but are back standing up and seem to be adjusting. id rather re-root them and wait 2 weeks than to lose all the clones due to root rot. so id say cut em and re-root, if that helps any..


EDIT: i started a few from seeds, i remember someone saying to pop the seeds, then rapid root them until the sprout is about 2 inches tall, then remove them from the rapid rooter and transfer them into the cloner. am i correct?? this thread is so long its kinda hard to find this stuff. but hey, atleast i read the ENTIRE thread before i asked any questions..


I am having a little problem with my plants they were all grown from seed ina rockwool cube inside the netted pots. Some of the plants grew mold in the rockwoool the first few weeks. these plants now have yellowing of the bottom leaves. at about 4 weeks i sprayed the cube with a very dilute water and hydrogen peroxide solution. The plants with this problem have substantially less aggresive root development now and I am trying to fix this do you have any suggestions?


Active Member
i have the same 396 gph pump that you have. if your using 1/2 inch pvc for the watering how do you or what do you use to connect the pvc to the pump?
i couldnt find ecoplus pumps , i got a very similar active aqua one , and had the same problem, found some 1/2" flex pvc ips at home depot , fits the smallest pump fitting(1/4") great and rite into the tee right above it. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
i couldnt find ecoplus pumps , i got a very similar active aqua one , and had the same problem, found some 1/2" flex pvc ips at home depot , fits the smallest pump fitting(1/4") great and rite into the tee right above it. hope this helps
I have never had a problem with this and have several dif type pumps. I just get a male treaded end that is 1/2 pvc and the inside diameter of that fitting is a little smaller than the inside diameter of the regular pipe. it slides on tight to every pump ive bought. I also havent glued anything I put together and for 3 months now nothing has ever came loose, not even once.:weed:



Well-Known Member
i was having the same problem with the rockwool, but i saw it within a few days.. i cut as far down the stem that i could and am re-rooting them... they were drooped ovre for about 12-18 hrs, but are back standing up and seem to be adjusting. id rather re-root them and wait 2 weeks than to lose all the clones due to root rot. so id say cut em and re-root, if that helps any..


EDIT: i started a few from seeds, i remember someone saying to pop the seeds, then rapid root them until the sprout is about 2 inches tall, then remove them from the rapid rooter and transfer them into the cloner. am i correct?? this thread is so long its kinda hard to find this stuff. but hey, atleast i read the ENTIRE thread before i asked any questions..
I suggest anyone starting from seeds get a sprouter. under $10 at most hardware stores. its for making sprouts you eat in a salad. you put the seeds in and pour the water in it and it runs down the channels. Most sprout in the first day. by day 5-7 your sprout is long enough to put into a neoprene net collar. check these pix out. I have done all kinds of veggies and am doing tree seeds also. or arborvitat or how ever thats spelled. I have great sucsess.:leaf: I cover it with a towel to keep light from going inside too.

also 3rd pic are Dutch Passion Blueberry fem. only got 3. put them all in the sprouter last night and they have all poped. By next week, or sooner, they will be long enough to fit into the neoprene collars.



Well-Known Member
anyone have anyluck with them free power skunk seeds from attitude. Mine are growing awsome and I dont want to just pitch them. Was thinking about using them for outdoor and crossing them with a more indica type to make a hybrid, since its way way sativa. Anyone have a good grow with these? Ive heard many complaints about the amount of time it takes to bud. Ive started budding mine in dirt so I can transplant them outside and they have the full summer to catch up. but since they will allready be started budding, think they will stay budding or revert back to flower?


Well-Known Member
I suggest anyone starting from seeds get a sprouter. under $10 at most hardware stores. its for making sprouts you eat in a salad. you put the seeds in and pour the water in it and it runs down the channels. Most sprout in the first day. by day 5-7 your sprout is long enough to put into a neoprene net collar. check these pix out. I have done all kinds of veggies and am doing tree seeds also. or arborvitat or how ever thats spelled. I have great sucsess.:leaf: I cover it with a towel to keep light from going inside too.
lol, andy the never ending tinkerer.

gotta go find me one of these "sprouters".

the wife keeps bugging me to get her herb garden up and running, and this thing sounds like it may do the job perfectly.


Well-Known Member
lol, andy the never ending tinkerer.

gotta go find me one of these "sprouters".

the wife keeps bugging me to get her herb garden up and running, and this thing sounds like it may do the job perfectly.
I plan on settin up 3 stinkbud systems in my kitchen just for fresh veggies all year round. My girlfriend is very understanding about my projects, lol.
Ive got a few tomatos in with my mj now just as a practice run with them. also in my sprouter Ive got arborvities (sp) evergreens, blueberry mj seeds, and watermelon seeds. Im going to see if I can run the watermellon in the stinbud system. Word of warning Tomatos dont like as high of nuits as weed plant do, and are less forgiving in the begining.


Well-Known Member
Yeah - Matty - I also moved to the Stink system from Coco. It has been quite a change but I love it!

I too was wondering about other nutes as I had some Advanced available... Stink has stated that the organic Botanicare he uses has the best flavor... I figure why not go all the way - so I too went with the Botanicare... I have to say, it tastes better than Advanced! ha ha Once I get through a batch or two, I did want to try something else - for comparison sake. I would like to see how you fare with other brands.

I also questioned the strength of nutes when you go to veg - and got a few different answers... The guide says start at 1500 and move up to 2000. I started at about 1350 and that seemed a touch hot for my strain of OG Kush (some leaf tips curling over) - so I backed it down to 950 and all looks well. I am scrambling to finish my flower unit! I thought I was running the show...

I too found the aerocloner to be magically easy! I put the first veg unit in action last week, and number 2 went in today. Stinkin' it up!
Hey, Yeh i might have to run with the dutch master advanced for the Veg stage as i have a couple of litres of it left over and i really dont wanna waste it at 50 bucks a pop hahaha so i will certainly let you know how i go with this. With coco i usually run the TDS no higher than 1400ppm max, is it because there is no medium which can lock nutrients in that you can run such a high TDS?

I wasnt going to but last night i decided to start building a Veg system. I dont really need it at this stage as i was going to go straight from the cloner to the Flowering setup but fuck it i'll need it so may aswell make sure it works properly now and build one.

Last night i had the liberty of helping my mate out last night... we took all the clones off the same plants at the same time and 15 went into my aero cloning system while 15 went into rockwool cubes. Last night i had to help my mate pot all of his into coco while all i did was check mine and move them under the bigger light. NOW I KNOW WHY THIS SET UP OF YOURS STINK KICKS ARSE OVER ANYTHING ELSE!!!!