hello everyone!
pass that

over here and welcome me to thread
damn this is long, i'm only a little over half way through it, but anyway...
sorry to bring something up from back in feb (thats as far as i've read so far)
but i saw a pic from dirthawker and thought i'd throw a little twist onto it
i have a pic of it below and that net really looks like a hassle.
here's an idea that will save you from messing with it during harvest time
and will stop it from being a recurring cost every grow
drill holes where i have the red dots and add PVC where i have the green
then run wooden dowel rods through the holes
so they don't slide out if you bump them
leave the dowel rods long enough to stick out of each side an inch
buy some nuts that are the wing nut type to thread onto them
i have included a pic of wooden dowels incase anyone doesn't know what they are
any lumber yard, ace, lowes, menards, ect. will have them