Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

What about running the co2 through the pvc frame?

What a great idea! The plant supports are right next to the buds.

You could drill small holes right next to each bud site and hook the hose up to a fitting. It would be easy and work unreal!

I'll have to try it out and see how it works. After my next harvest I'll drill the holes in the cross supports and put in a fitting.

Thanks dude!
Great thread man, the plants look amazing! Its great what you are doing for your patients, it looks like they prolly have some A++ medicals. As you well know in the end its all about risk vs reward, and its not always 100% about self reward +rep "DOC" .

It looked like you had some AK47, what do you think of it? I've been planning an AK grow for a while, it seems like it should be the shit if you will. Do you make hash with your trim, or edibles, or......?
not to jack thread, i fuckin love this thread and the info stinkbud linked up, i definately am going to try and areo grow in the near future, and this setup kinda simplified all the questions i had about my grow, so i got plans now, thanks bud!

and whulkamania you should quit while you are FAR behind, and not to go any farther.
You are the butt end joke of this site, liek 10-20 people have quotes from YOU and your stupid threads as they're signatures, like you are SO incredibly STUPID, that people have to show your stupidity on their own time because they feel the need to spread the word of how stupid you really are, and none of them know you! Just leave the site, no body here wants to talk to you, hear anything you have to say because your mindset is that of a child. Nobody wants to help you, or recieve anything that resembles help(in your case it would be a detrimental suggestion that ould perpetually turn someone into somewhat any fraction of a retard that you are, just leave the site, you are either some pathetic kid who brags about his lack of knowledge and abbundance of money to all, or you are a cop. So eat a dick and get teh fuck out of here, you provide nothing to this site, the people, and its quite obvious you will never provide anything to anyone else or society.

You are the epitome of a stupid impatient childish fool who thinks life is a fairytale and everything will work itself out, you have fucked up royally by doing what you said you have done, but your parents have fucked up even more royally for bringing you into this world. Do not post in this thread tellin stinkbud about feds, you cant even spell the word Fed abbreviates, dumbass. he knows 300x more than you in every aspect of growing and i assume life, as of the amazing view and character i have seen him display, this guy sounds like the last of a dying breed(compasionate humans). You suck ass whulkamania, your stupid as hell.

Drink the punch.

Sorry stinkbud didnt mean to jack your shit for a post, its just id rather post this once so nobody that reads this could possibly think whulkamania is actually in any way sane or a level minded man, although im sure hes 14 and in no way close to becoming a man in the next decade.

But yea man rep+++ for this whole blueprint of your setup. and man i dont know if your throwing them patients herbs for free, or if they pay you a fraction of street price(or store price w/e you at), but what you are doing for others is amazing bro, straight up.
thanks for taking the time to post all this information / images / diagrams.

deserves to be stickied!

+rep , stay good stink
Good shit Stink Bud!!! Good to see you around bro.

I also like the idea of putting Co2 in ur frame. Would be a very steamlined op.

I do have question for ya tho. Is the "NFT" part only from the mistings? or do you have another pump flowing a stream down to ur res?
Why the dual container for the veg system? more room for the roots?

I am in the process of building a clone/veg cabinet,,, i have a t5 floro that i think will work for both clones and vegging. The rubbermaid clone container sits about 16 inches high, and the dual veg would be 2x that.
Is it possible to just run a reservoir to the veg cab so the plants will sit even/ or should i modify the cab so the veg sits down lower. does this make sense?
So now we have watched the trichromes and decided it is time to cut our babies.

I use some gardening shears and just cut them off at the base. Once I cut all the plants I turn off the pump and let the roots dry out. That way it is not so messy with wet slimy roots everywhere.

You have two options with the plants.

1) Hang the plants to dry and trim the buds later.

Advantage: Hanging them up allows the maximum drying time. This allows the plants to get rid of any leftover nutes in the buds so they taste nice and sweet.

Disadvantage: It takes longer to dry this way. It is harder to trim the buds. You have to watch for mold. A longer drying time could allow mold to develop.

2) Trim the buds now and put them on a screen to dry.

Advantage: It is a lot easier to trim the buds when they are fresh. Mold problems disappear. Faster drying time. If you need smoke, trim first.

Disadvantage: Not much if you have flushed properly. The buds could dry too fast. Crispy on the outside and wet on the inside. Puting the buds in a brown paper bag can be used to slow the dry down.

I do both and really can't tell the difference in taste. But then again I flush the hell out of my plants before I harvest.

It's a lot easier to pull a plant and trim it right then. That way you are done right away and can move on to maintenance.

Stay tuned for trimming and curing.


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Why the dual container for the veg system? more room for the roots?

I am in the process of building a clone/veg cabinet,,, i have a t5 floro that i think will work for both clones and vegging. The rubbermaid clone container sits about 16 inches high, and the dual veg would be 2x that.
Is it possible to just run a reservoir to the veg cab so the plants will sit even/ or should i modify the cab so the veg sits down lower. does this make sense?

The reason I run a dual container is so that I can easily move the plants into the flower room when the time comes.

In a single container system the roots get so long they start to clog the pump. They all grow together so you have to break them apart which damages the roots.

The single container system works great for clones because by the time the roots are getting too long it's time to go into the veg unit.

You could just run one veg unit and use it for your clone unit too. Just stick the cuttings directly into the veg unit and they will root and keep growing.

In fact the veg system can be used throughout the whole grow cycle if you wanted too. I flowered plants in my veg unit before and it works great.

The only problem I had was with height and plant support. The plants got too tall for my room and there was no easy way to support them. Maybe build a PVC plant support frame?
It's important to address what type of containers you can use. First I will tell you my story.

I tried every brand and every technique. I tried sanding and silicone. Rubber tape and auto/boat strip. Every single time it leaked! Many towels later....

I finnaly tried Rubbermaid Ruffneck containers. No leaks with no seals what so ever! It was a dream come true. It's like they are made for the job!

With the Aero/NFT Fence post system can use any type of container for a reservoir. Same with the bottom rez container on the veg unit.

So you only need to use the Ruffneck container where you use sprayers.
Thanks again stinkbud... im thinking a dual 30 gallon rubber roughneck for both clones and veg.
And cut the side deep where the veg roots go.
It looked like you had some AK47, what do you think of it? I've been planning an AK grow for a while, it seems like it should be the shit if you will. Do you make hash with your trim, or edibles, or......?

AK47 is one of my best strains. It grows super fast and dense.

The smoke is very smooth. By far the smoothest of all my strains. You can load a double hit and still not cough.

It has a tangy smell. Not really like hash but not really fruity either. Very tasty though.

Here is the secret about AK47 that many don't know about. There are actually two different phenotypes that come out of the seeds.

One is more Indica and the other is more Sativa. The traits are what you would expect from each type of plant.

The Sativa phenotype is the one you want though! All I can say is Holy shit! The more you smoke the higher you get. Maximum ceiling high!

The Indica phenotype is what I've been growing for a while but I finally found the Sativa phenotype from a friend. I'm stoked dude!

Here is my quiver at the moment:
NYC Diesel
Purple Silver
Skunk #11
Snowbud (Akorn)
If your stems snap when you bend them then your buds are dry and ready for curing.

Curing is the last process of the grow. It allows the smoke to smooth out and taste better. Bud that is harsh to smoke right after drying will many times mellow out with time.

If you haven't trimmed the buds go ahead and do the dirty deed.

I cure my bud in the classic glass jars used for canning. Any brand will work fine.

Don't pack the bud too tightly, you want them to breath.

Open the jars a few times a day for the first week. Then open them every few days until they smell sweet.

If they start smelling funky then you didn't let them dry enough. Take them out and let them dry completely.

It usually takes a good 3 months for the best cure. Like fine wine the longer bud cures the better it will taste.


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Taking care of the different systems is really quite easy.

Every harvest I clean and change all the reservoirs.

Each system has a garden hose fitting and valve. I attach a garden hose and run the hose into the bathtub.

Open the valve, plug the pump in and drain the rez. Double check your hose so your not spraying water all over the bathroom!

Listen for a sucking sound from the pump. That tells you it time to unplug the pump.

Don't forget to close the valve at this time!
I heard about a guy that sprayed water all over himself like a total idiot because he forgot to close the valve:roll:. I don't want to mention any names but it starts with stink and ends with bud.

Get a garden hose adapter for your sink and attach your hose. No need to haul water around unless you like that sort of thing.

Don't get stoned while you are filling your reservior!
Don't ask me how I know this...:eyesmoke:

After harvest I remove all the plant matter and clean everything with bleach water. I run a little bleach in the water for a couple of hours and then flush with plain water a couple of times.

I really clean the shit out of all my stuff every harvest. You want your grow rooms as clean as a hospital. Actually cleaner would be better:mrgreen:.

I always have a complete set of clean sprayers. I replace the sprayers every harvest and put the dirty ones in a cup of soapy water. Then later I scrub the sprayers with my wife's toothbrush:cuss: (just kidding).

That way I always have a clean set of sprayers ready to go.
Dude this info is fucking great, I'm glad to hear you re-enforce my feelings about the AK47. If I get AK seeds, I will have about equal chance of getting both phenotypes, right?

On my last grow I trimmed about half, before drying, and half after, and I hung all of it to dry(about 10days). How do you feel about trimming and then hanging, rather then screen drying? It was definitely easier to trim first, and I want to make hash on my next grow, so I want the trim fresh, right?
Kudos to you StinkBud. Your homemade Aero setup is spot on. Your entire setup is very, very impressive! You have a lot of very useful information in this thread, thank you for sharing!! The feds won't give you any problems if you are careful.
Dont get stoned and leave the valve open when your cleaning the system with your wifes toothbrush.

Thats what i call...medicating.
Time to talk about air. Your plants need lots of Carbon to make the sugar that powers growth.

The Carbon comes from the CO2 in the air. Your plants can use a lot more CO2 than what's in the air normally. That's where adding CO2 comes into play.

If you increase your CO2 to 1500 PPM you can increase your plants growth rate. I went from 12oz. to over 16oz. per harvest using CO2.

Don't mess with yeast or tablets or all that other crap. You have two real options.
1) CO2 tank
2) Propane burner

I've never used a propane burner so I'll talk about using a tank and regulator.

The cheapest way to use a tank is with a timer. Go to this site and put in your room's dimensions.

CO2 Calculator - Greentrees Hydroponics

Figure out what it would take to fill your room in 15 minutes and set your valve to what ever the calculator tells you to. Set your timer to come on for 15 minutes 5 times a day. Keep it off during the night.

You can check your CO2 level with a testing syringe. You can buy them at most hydro stores. You draw in 100cc of air and then push it through the glass test tube. You read the purple band and it tells you your CO2 PPM.

By far the best way to control CO2 is with a controller. The controller I use checks the CO2 level and turns on my tank regulator when needed.

Tune in later for a discussion on Temperature and Humidity.


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CO2 is something I've thought about adding but won't it all just get sucked out as soon as I turn on my exhaust fan? Or if I use CO2 am I supposed to have my lights cooled by an external air source so I don't suck out the air from the room?
CO2 is something I've thought about adding but won't it all just get sucked out as soon as I turn on my exhaust fan? Or if I use CO2 am I supposed to have my lights cooled by an external air source so I don't suck out the air from the room?

yes 10 char limit...