Everyone is acting like I'm some kind of expert or something. You need to think of it like this. If you give a monkey a typewriter sooner or later he will type a word. Well I'm the monkey and the Aero system is my word...
So in reality I'm just an average Joe just like everyone else here. I've just been fucking up longer than most. I thought I would expose some of my stupid mistakes so you all know how I arrived where I am now. Plus they are really funny!
1) 1977, me and my buddy decide to become weed barons. We take a bunch of shitty Mexican seeds and throw them in the dirt. All of them sprouted and then died except for one.
We grew that plant until it was 10ft. tall! We were so fucking excited! Then it started to flower. We couldn't figure out where all the buds were. All there was was these little tiny yellow flowers.

We didn't even know what a male plant was.
We harvested the plant and tried smoking it but we might as well been smoking a turd because it tasted like shit and gave us a headache....
2) I had a small grow going in my garage. I heard that urine was high in nitrogen and if you piss on you plants they will grow like crazy! Well that might be fine for outdoors but I was indoors.
So I pissed on a plant to try it out. The plant died and the piss stunk up the whole room. You only need like a teaspoon of piss per gallon and I must of pissed a half of a cup!
So I dried the buds and tried smoking some. Tasted just like piss....
3) I heard that organic nutes was the way to go and fish emulsion was the shit! So I tried it out. Sure enough the plants grew like crazy! I keep feeding them until the leaves where almost black/green and curling under. I figured if a little nutes is good a lot must be great!
I had yet to learn about flushing so I ran the plants hot as shit all the way to harvest. The harvest was actually pretty good. I dried the buds and tried them out. They tasted just like fish ass....
4) Back in the day I didn't know how to clone so I ran seeds. I was getting ready to move so I ran a seed batch to have plenty of seeds to get started at my next house.
I harvest all the seeds and put them in little film containers and packed them away with everything else. It took few months for our house to be finished so the seeds set in storage until I could start up my op again.
I finally got all moved in and set up. I opened the film containers and every fucking seed was completely molded and dead. I lost every seed I had! Oops...
5) One time I was up snowboarding at the mountain. I was setting in my car taking bong hits. I was right in the middle of a bong hit and looked to my left. There, one foot away was a cop watching the whole thing. It scared the shit out of me!!!
So I rolled down the window and tried not to blow all the smoke in his face. He made me get out and asked me for all my stash. All I had was this one huge dank bud. So he made take it out to the snow and stomp it in with my boot. He let me go but I was still bummed because that was my only stash.
So I went up riding some more and when I came down I thought, emmmm, I wonder if that bud it still in the snow where I stomped it. So I went over to look and started digging. Sure enough there was the bud! I was a little wet but in perfect shape. I dried it on the car heater and smoked it on the way home....
You guys having fun yet? Shall I go on?