Well-Known Member
I see.. that makes sense.Also with a cycle timer the plants are setting in air for 5 minutes at a time. Can't get more oxygenated than that!
I was one of the ones earlier having drifting pH issues in the cloner.. some gunk was growing.. it looked like snot. Anyway, after cleaning out the rubberneck and refilling, I threw in an air stone, turned it on, and haven't had a problem since! pH is very stable now, and the water smells fresh. I suppose it could be a coincidence, but I like it

Here's my test: soil vs aero for one week. First pic. Left is aero, right is soil.. the aero is growing at least twice as fast, but I'm thinking it will be more like 2-3X.
Next pic.. couldn't help it! Just a few weeks left before these can be put into use!
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