Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

I have read the entire thread and there are problems associated with round pvc, however they are not clogging problems. You can probably make due but will have challenges to overcome. The net pots will not sit flush, the larger the pipe the better, even up to 6 or 8 inch. There are problems with the sprayer manifolds not sitting stationary, and the rails themselves are prone to rolling etc.

So far, everybody regrets their choice of using round pipe and has switched to square instead. If I were you, I would search harder if you insist on the rail system. If you just want a cloner, lookup cloner buckets. Same principle but fully contained within a single 5 gal bucket or similar. Or even a tote cloner.

Fence supply or fence builders? Hardware stores, DIY, etc???
I have read the entire thread and there are problems associated with round pvc, however they are not clogging problems. You can probably make due but will have challenges to overcome. The net pots will not sit flush, the larger the pipe the better, even up to 6 or 8 inch. There are problems with the sprayer manifolds not sitting stationary, and the rails themselves are prone to rolling etc.

So far, everybody regrets their choice of using round pipe and has switched to square instead. If I were you, I would search harder if you insist on the rail system. If you just want a cloner, lookup cloner buckets. Same principle but fully contained within a single 5 gal bucket or similar. Or even a tote cloner.
Fence supply or fence builders? Hardware stores, DIY, etc???

Thank you for the advice, much appreciated! I will search again, this time emailing the fence suppliers. The Stinkbud thread and the thread with Alarics adventures (https://www.rollitup.org/t/an-outlaws-journal.879536/page-5) have inspired me so I am highly motivated for the moment. :)
If it is impossible to find square vinyl fencing or extremely costly AND you are deadset on rails, then pipe can be made to work, it just takes more effort to function as desired without leaks. It has been done. There are options however to do chambers like the totes for vegging. Just make one with fewer and larger holes. However, they are not without issues as well. Leaking. That is why superstoner1 adapted his rail version. I haven't read alarics thread, but SS1s thread can give some ideas as well.

I am out of advice on where to find the square rails, although I do know if you can possibly find them at all, they would be worth the effort IF you can get them reasonably priced.

Even the company stinkbud patterned his square rails from has since transitioned from round to square.

Try the terminology vinyl fence post or vinyl fence post cover if you haven't already. When I first started looking I was using the exact words I saw used in this thread and although they may have been technically correct, the term PVC fence post returned exactly ZERO results on any search engine or retailers website. Large chain hardware stores near me do not carry them, even in season, in store. They have to be ordered online and shipped to store (preferably, then shipping is free).

Have you tried that as well? Order from a chain website you have available near you? I am refraining asking what country or what exactly is available, I am just betting that they can be found with a lot of research. Lowe's, Casa de Pot (home depot), Ace hardware etc.

Maybe poly vinyl chloride fencing is different than vinyl fencing. I wouldn't have thought it mattered, but it did.

You can heat form pvc pipe and shape it to square, although I don't know the dangers and you will have to research that yourself if you decide to go that route. I have heard that pvc offgases poisonous fumes if not deadly chlorine gas (and by deadly, I mean instantly deadly one breath dead) but I do not have the resources to confirm that.
I finally decided to copy Stinkbud's Aero instead of buying a system like the Aeroflo20 or Aeroflo28. The farmers in my country all use metal, wood or solid plastic for fenceposts so I can't find the right material. Anyway, I did find white PVC pipes for plumbing. The standards are 4" and 5".

I almost sure someone has asked the same question a while ago but I can not find the tread again. Would 4" or 5" pipes cause any problems like clogging etcetera?
My very first aero system used round pipes and worked fine. You just need to create some sort of a yoke system to hold the pipes in place.
Try the terminology vinyl fence post or vinyl fence post cover if you haven't already. When I first started looking I was using the exact words I saw used in this thread and although they may have been technically correct, the term PVC fence post returned exactly ZERO results on any search engine or retailers website. Large chain hardware stores near me do not carry them, even in season, in store. They have to be ordered online and shipped to store (preferably, then shipping is free).

Have you tried that as well? Order from a chain website you have available near you? I am refraining asking what country or what exactly is available, I am just betting that they can be found with a lot of research. Lowe's, Casa de Pot (home depot), Ace hardware etc.

I searched again, this time more carefully. Unfortunately, I still couldn’t find it. So I have no other option than the pipes. The 4” and 5” pipes are fairly inexpensive. Much cheaper than buying the Aeroflo20 or Aeroflo 28 system.
me personally, I would go as large a diameter I could find for one reason. To get the net pots to sit as flush as possible. Others may have better reasons for doing the opposite. Plus easier to maneuver the spray bars. I am sure there are plenty of reasons to argue differently
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me personally, I would go as large a diameter I could find for one reason. To get the net pots to sit as flush as possible. Others may have better reasons for doing the opposite. Plus easier to maneuver the spray bars. I am sure there are plenty of reasons to argue differently
What you say makes sense. I'll get the larger ones.
Heads-up from StinkBud. Let's talk about RUSSET MITES. Up here in the NW russets are becoming a serious issue. I keep hearing horror stories about loosing entire crops. Russets are little bitches and when I say little I mean LITTLE. These fuckers can only be seen with a microscope.

One of the first signs that you have russets is the leaves will start to curl and grow funny. A small leaf might make a sudden 90 degree turn like the letter "L". Also, if your plants are looking sick or stunted they might need to be checked.

Get yourself a cheap digital microscope. Zoom into where the stem and leaves meet. Look for little white eggs and worm like mites. Remember, they don't look like normal mites. They look like little larvae with two front legs that they drag themselves around with.

How do you get rid of them? You don't, you're fucked! You'd have to do a massive break-down,bleach and start-over from scratch. You can do it but it is hard.

Treatment is spraying with Neem oil an Dr. Bronner's soap. 1/2tsp of each per quart is good for almost anything and is a good preventative too. You can safely spray up to two weeks into flower and sometimes a little longer depending on the strain. Just avoid spraying any buds.

Make sure you spray the undersides of the leaves to the point of saturation. I actually "pet" the leaves as I spray them to work in the solution. The mites like to hang out on the underside so it's hard to get to them. If you are spraying outdoors or in a greenhouse you can hook up a home paint sprayer to a wand and spray massive amounts of plants in short time.

Good luck!
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You guys gotta check this out. This strain is the bomb! The last batch tested out at 32.4% THC! That's fucking crazy! All of these photos are from that same batch.

You can download the test results here:

If you're into Instagram be sure to follow us:

Also, stay tuned for an interesting grow coming up. I'm designing a small 4-plant coco grow just for small spaces like bathrooms and closets. It's perfect for the home stash crowd. I'll be using it to find my new males for breeding so it should be a fun op. It's going to be weird keeping and cloning males. I may have to start a line of pollen!

Love ya all!
Hats off to you @StinkBud ! You've kept this thread going for almost 10 years. First time i ever seen anything like it.

Super impressive :D
Thanks bro! I can't take all the credit because it's really the people that have kept this thread going. I've met a lot of cool "buddies" over the years. Gifts from god...

It's been a long, strange trip! When I started this thread, cannabis was only legal to medical patients in a few states. Now anyone in Oregon and Washington can go down to the local pot shop and walk out with fire. The cannabis industry is going-off big time and it's cool to be right in the middle of it. I've combined my two favorite things in the the world (weed & design) and get paid to do it.

The one thing you will notice through the entire thread is I've never been disrespectful to anyone. Nothing but love here. Sure we've all seen our share of trolls and bitches but that's just life. No need to let them bring you down. Love conquerors all is not just a cliche...actually it is a fucking cliche...never mind.
Hey guys...

Getting back into the scene after a while... It's the first time I'm going hydro (been growing in soil before), and I decided to use StinkBud's system.

However, I have a problem you might help me out with. I tried searching both on the forums and google but couldn't find anything, but I'm quite sure it's been both asked and answered before. Unfortunately, I can't go read 600 pages of posts, so please, be kind :)

Anyhow - here's the question: looks like Botanicare nutes are almost impossible to buy where I live (Europe) bar ordering them from the US or the UK. Given they're liquids and therefore heavy, shipping is way too expensive, so I'm wondering if a system like this can be run with a proven alternative that might be easier to find. I have access to Advanced Nutrients, Biobizz, Canna, Dutch Formula, GHE, HESI and Plagron nutes. I'm sure there's a valid alternative to Botanicare somewhere in their range of products, but since I'm 100% that someone already figured it out, I don't feel like experimenting, with potentially disastrous consequences.

So, has anyone tried this system with alternative nutes (successfully)?

Thanks in advance!

Hey guys...

Getting back into the scene after a while... It's the first time I'm going hydro (been growing in soil before), and I decided to use StinkBud's system.

However, I have a problem you might help me out with. I tried searching both on the forums and google but couldn't find anything, but I'm quite sure it's been both asked and answered before. Unfortunately, I can't go read 600 pages of posts, so please, be kind :)

Anyhow - here's the question: looks like Botanicare nutes are almost impossible to buy where I live (Europe) bar ordering them from the US or the UK. Given they're liquids and therefore heavy, shipping is way too expensive, so I'm wondering if a system like this can be run with a proven alternative that might be easier to find. I have access to Advanced Nutrients, Biobizz, Canna, Dutch Formula, GHE, HESI and Plagron nutes. I'm sure there's a valid alternative to Botanicare somewhere in their range of products, but since I'm 100% that someone already figured it out, I don't feel like experimenting, with potentially disastrous consequences.

So, has anyone tried this system with alternative nutes (successfully)?

Thanks in advance!

Pretty much any brand of nutrients will work. Just read the instructions on the label. It would be cool if you can find an organic solution that works.

If you run a 2-part then I'd choose to run a sterile res. That means killing off any and all bacteria with H2O2 or bleach. If you run a live res with bennies then make sure you keep the water cold. I've been recommending a water chiller to avoid root rot. Unless you keep your room cool it's pretty much the only way to go.

My next design will be using coco fiber/perlite mix with 100% organic nutes.
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I'm sure the setup is more important than the nutrients in this case.
You can always improve the nutrients you use in a next grow. 1 run will eat about $200 worth of Botanicare products if you follow their feeding chart, and not much less if you use Stinky's.
Hats off to you @StinkBud ! You've kept this thread going for almost 10 years. First time i ever seen anything like it.

Super impressive :D

IMPRESSIVE INDEED! I just had to get on here and throw down a post to point out that TODAY is the 9 year anniversary since Stink got this thread up and rolling, and it's been a great ride. Thank you StinkBud.

This very thread is the one that got me interested and motivated to try out and start using hydro primarily, about 8 and a 1/2 years ago, even though I've designed and used systems that's are nothing like Stinks. It's just too bad that my depression and severe medical problems have had me inconsistently starting from scratch and stopping, again and again, to the point where I have had to pretty much give up completely now.

Anyway, I hope everybody has a happy, stinky 9th anniversary! Lots of love to you all!

P.S. If anyone on here is willing and able to help out a dying, disabled man who's dry and just got ripped off by his own neighbor a couple of weeks ago, then please PM me if you could possibly send me a little care package.
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After 3 weeks the best 14 plants move to the veg system.

I use a dual container aeroponic system. The roots grow straight down which makes the plants easy to transfer to the flower room when the time comes.

The plants are under a 250W MH light set to 18/6.

Again, all my systems are on the same timer set to 1 minute on and 5 minutes off. This gives the roots the maximum amount of Oxygen without letting them dry out.

I run this nutrient formula for vegetative growth:

Botanicare Nutrients:

126ML Cal-Mag Plus
180ML Liquid Karma
540ML Pure Bend Pro Vegetative Formula

I start at 1500 PPM and bring it up to 2000 PPM by the second week of veg. I change the nutrients every 3 weeks with each new crop.

I adjust my PH to 5.8

Stay tuned for more...

Are you maybe adding a few 0's to these PPM's lol?

Sorry, but I use 180 PPM in veg, there is no way you can use 10x that amount and still have healthy plants...not trying to start anything, just want a clarification if someone was to try to copy your method.

1500 ppm is like max amount @ peak flowering, and even then I find that to be about 500 ppm too high. Are you starting out with RO or distilled water?
That's weird, I start seedlings at 700 ppm but mostly do clone only. As soon as my clones have roots they get 1500 ppm minimum and usually up around 1800 ppm. I just got my first tip burn a few weeks ago when I hit 2000 ppm

Maybe you aren't underfeeding your strain but at 180 ppm, what I grow would die from lack of nutrition
I will admit one thing that I learned in this thread right here and still constantly forget and forget to take into consideration is that just because a ppm pen says a certain ppm doesn't make it so. I learned here that EC is a true measurement and that all ppm pens use a different conversion factor. I use the same ppm pens all the time and didn't involve myself in the pages long argument and I do NOT use an EC pen even tho I have one, I just don't care at all because it is a moot ass point what the true ppm or EC actually is, it is only a starting reference point, a fake number to use to determine what causes burn then back off a bit. Numbers are a human concept and invention and could just as easily use letters instead and say that my plants burn at M ppms and I need to back off to K or L.

Read the thread and see for yourself just how many people use these numbers and all experience good results. Not sure what you're doing wrong to be screwing it up so bad that you can't use the same numbers that everybody else uses with the same results. and I forgot tho you weren't asking me, I use tap water and IIRC it is around 150-170 ppm I think and I just add to come up to my desired ppm without taking into account the water ppm. I have considered using RO but just don't want to buy the rig and waste all that water. I occasionally add Cal-Mag and use it more often than not currently.

I do have some rust spots in late flower and haven't done my due diligence to figure out the problem. They look like little round brown spots just like rust, not all plants, just one strain, and the pics of deficiencies I have seen the "spots" are irregular, not perfectly round like mine so i don't even know what's causing my issue, I just pretend to know and treat with cal-mag. It's only been a week or two and not sure if it's helping or not. I need to trim some affected leaves off and see if it gets better or worse

the tip burn is different than the rust spots and I can tell the difference
Thought you guys might like these photos from work. New article in High Times coming out soon so keep your eyes peeled. Dope cup this weekend!