Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Wow Dirth looks Great!!! Your doin awsome and its so much encourgement for the rest of us who r deciding to go with stinks system.
Anyone doing DWC sog tubs in here?

swim here is! 3 flower units built, ready to go. First one in place now. Clones on the way. Looking at two week intervals with 4 flower units. Maybe 5! Flower units have 2 6' posts with 5' pvc frame and 20 plant sites. Soon as clones sprout roots they are going to the flower room. swim has two clone units and two veg units up and running. Veg units are to maintain mothers... remember.. no vegging in sog!

Will post more pics in the next week... clones already sprouted roots at only 3 days! Swim had a problem with cloning.. root rot.. bacteria or fungus.. something.. but finally fixed it:hump: Anyway... two week intervals here on out--should go quick!

swims reasons for sea of grean include: low flower room height. Not really expecting more yield, per se.


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Cool man im just confused as to who swim is bro! Lmao Im sorry maybe its just me but i ate some shrooms and really tripping.
What is the actual grow space of ur plants during flower? In relationship to the lumens per sq.ft over the space bro.?

Im doing DWC In tubs... Directly from clone to flower no veg time.

I was actually curious to what kind of yields i could expect from a tub of 12 plants per say in this type of perpetual sog.
4 plants per square foot with 67.7777 watts per sq.ft actually.
Heres a pic of whats actully going on in my spot.
3 tubs final.
What kind of yields can i expect from 12 5-7 inch clones done fuct style in my system. thats what i was really trying to get at.
As well as many other things but ill start here.
Heres some pics from today,, Im a little concerned about some of the dry and brittle leaves that have developed on the side of the first flower unit against the wall. still only running 3 lights at the moment, soon to have that 4th.

You are starting to sound like on overprotective mother:o.

Leaves die. Sad but true.

Pull them off and give them a proper burial. Don't forget the headstone. Put something on the headstone like "They gave their lives so that I may enjoy mine"

Some of the leaves on the very bottom will start to die towards the end of the grow. They don't get much light at this point. Air circulation is also poor because the plants get so thick with leaves. I fill a grocery bag about half full with dead leaves each batch. Perfectly normal bro.

Wait to you start your flush. The plants will really start looking like they are going to die. That's what you want. Leaves will yellow and start turning colors. The worse they look the better they taste.

My Blueberry is turning all kinds of colors right now and I haven't even started my flush.

Anyway, you got a fucking forest going there bro!! You're going to end up needing a chainsaw to cut those naughty girls down.
i love this setup thinking of trying it in the future or in the middle of my other im doing a flood and drain true SoG check it out rep+ to you
swim here is! 3 flower units built, ready to go. First one in place now. Clones on the way. Looking at two week intervals with 4 flower units. Maybe 5! Flower units have 2 6' posts with 5' pvc frame and 20 plant sites. Soon as clones sprout roots they are going to the flower room. swim has two clone units and two veg units up and running. Veg units are to maintain mothers... remember.. no vegging in sog!

Will post more pics in the next week... clones already sprouted roots at only 3 days! Swim had a problem with cloning.. root rot.. bacteria or fungus.. something.. but finally fixed it:hump: Anyway... two week intervals here on out--should go quick!

swims reasons for sea of grean include: low flower room height. Not really expecting more yield, per se.

dude they look so nice your build and clones why not start your own journal ill follow along for sure there looking good though check out y journal im doing a flood and drain true SoG its going greta rep+ to you bro

Cool man im just confused as to who swim is bro! Lmao Im sorry maybe its just me but i ate some shrooms and really tripping.

Swim is an acronym usually written SWIM. It stands for "Someone who isn't me". Just a way for people to post information without taking responsibility. In theory anyways. It is a little like the sig that says, I don't really grow. I'm making all this up.
OK guys, so heres the deal. I've been following along since the beginning. Stink you know I love the system. However 165 pages is too much to dig through, to get some answers at the moment, so I hope you don't mind me askin again.

I'm gonna helping set this system up for someone. They are working on the lights, I had a question about the controllers. I know its a 1 on 5 off for the pumps. I was hoping you could link me to the room controller you suggest. Are the lights, fans, pumps, and co2 all run off one controller, or is there multiple? I'm very excited about helping him out, and I can't wait to see this system in action!
QUESTION: What would the net effect be using Stinkbud's system with the following modification - one additional veg station for a total of six weeks vegging, but a crop of 10 plants instead of 11? I don't know how much you're harvesting per plant, although - 28 grams per ounce x 16 ounces in a pound = 448 grams / 11 plants = 41 grams per plant. Lets say three extra weeks vegging increases my yield to 55 grams per plant x 10 plants = 550 grams.

Sound about right? I know it is not exact science. I am just curious because the details of the recently passed proposal 1 in Michigan are coming out sometime soon, but the law sets a parameter of a grower being able to grow 12 plants per patient with a maximum of 5 patients. The proposal didn't stipulate anything about height or maturity. Just trying to think of a way to use stinkbud's system for a maximum grow with 60 plants.
OK guys, so heres the deal. I've been following along since the beginning. Stink you know I love the system. However 165 pages is too much to dig through, to get some answers at the moment, so I hope you don't mind me askin again.

I'm gonna helping set this system up for someone. They are working on the lights, I had a question about the controllers. I know its a 1 on 5 off for the pumps. I was hoping you could link me to the room controller you suggest. Are the lights, fans, pumps, and co2 all run off one controller, or is there multiple? I'm very excited about helping him out, and I can't wait to see this system in action!

I only bought mine because I got it cheap on fleabay. I don't use the humidity setting since I bought my dehumidifier.

The temp setting is actually for a heater not A/C so I don't use it.

The hydro pump timer only goes down to 12min so I don't use that function either.

The light timer can only handle 1000W so I will eventually use that to time all my lights using a relay.

All I really use is the CO2 controller. I do have the humidity/fan set to go on if my dehumidifier gets full and stops. So far that hasn't happened though.

All the CO2 controllers are very good nowadays. It just depends on how much money you want to spend. This is a fairly cheap solution.
http://www.nationalgardenwholesale....=Environmental Controllers / C02&type=product

I wouldn't recommend a complete controller. Spend your money on this instead.
http://www.nationalgardenwholesale...._12000BTU&title=Air Purification&type=product

I'm going to replace my AC and dehumidifier with one of these. What's so cool about it is the intake can be run from another room or outside so you don't suck all the CO2 out of your room. It also has a hose to vent the heat. I want one!!!

Good Luck bro!
QUESTION: What would the net effect be using Stinkbud's system with the following modification - one additional veg station for a total of six weeks vegging, but a crop of 10 plants instead of 11? I don't know how much you're harvesting per plant, although - 28 grams per ounce x 16 ounces in a pound = 448 grams / 11 plants = 41 grams per plant. Lets say three extra weeks vegging increases my yield to 55 grams per plant x 10 plants = 550 grams.

Sound about right? I know it is not exact science. I am just curious because the details of the recently passed proposal 1 in Michigan are coming out sometime soon, but the law sets a parameter of a grower being able to grow 12 plants per patient with a maximum of 5 patients. The proposal didn't stipulate anything about height or maturity. Just trying to think of a way to use stinkbud's system for a maximum grow with 60 plants.

It would work fine but some strains will end up very tall. I would stay away from anything with over 50% Sativa because they will end up so tall the lower buds won't get much light and never ripen. You end up with a lot of popcorn buds!

Slower strains like GDP or Diesel will love the extra veg time though.

Right now I have 18 sites in my veg unit but I only take 14 out each harvest. So 4 plants receive 6 weeks veg as it is now. I usually keep these slots reserved for my slower strains like Blueberry and Diesel. They also end up giving the most cuttings.
THanks for the links stink. I've also been looking at a water cooled co2 generator I saw a link to on another thread. I looks pretty nice, and can even be ran outside the room. I'll check into those links. I'm glad to know its better to get separate controllers. I like that A/C to, not a bad price at all. Would you mind tossing up a link, or anybody to an appropriate pump timer. I know there have been many talked about.
GENFRANCO Yea i figured that... but isnt there some indoor growing software out there somewhere? I can visualize everytrhing in the grow room plugged into some kind of box that is hooked to the computer, the software has different setting for each and every plug,, lights, exhaust, pumps, co2,etc.
you just set each one at the setting you want. Its not very complicated it seems simple enough.

Hey Dirt - I've got a degree in Computer Engineering and did alot of hardware and software interface and while programming everything would probably take some time the real problem would be that you need to monitor certain things which means integrated sensors. For example let's say you want to monitor CO2. You are going to have to monitor the power for the CO2, the level in the room, how much is in the tank, etc. Obviously you could choose what to monitor but the real issue is finding the SENSORS which will monitor these things that are meant to be integrated with a computer. For example your pH meter is meant to read the pH and display it on a screen. If you want to monitor pH via an integrated system you would either need to find a sensor that measures pH and gives an output as an electronic signal or tear apart your pH meter and reverse engineer it. The 2nd option doesn't seem very likely...in any case the only point I'm trying to make is that it could be very complicated...

On another note I'm going to try to get back to being how active I was before - I've had alot going on. I'll post some pics soon of my new flower room and systems :-P

Wow - the thread of all threads - made the AeroCloner (with a few mods), working on my Veg and Flower units (again, with a few mods). Thanks Stinkbud... I WILL make you proud one day with pics of my first born - you are their Daddy! Ha ha. Seriously - you are the coolest cat on any thread I ever read! I love the way you take in the haters and turn 'em around! Just what we need right now.

That AC is cool looking - do you think you would need to filter the exhaust or will the AC filters remove or leave most odors in the room? Is this the same technology as the KwikKool AC's


- which are prohibitively expensive for most... but they look bad ass! The poor man's Kwikool?

I'm getting of topic here, sorry.

As for cycle timers - the Sentinel DRT-1 is the coolest looking by far - all digital you can set crazy combos - like 4 days off and 1 second on! No misturned knobs on this bad boy - plug 2 pumps in directly (with the unit on it's own 15A). I picked one up for $120 out the door - and I bet you could get one for less if you tried... still need a relay to run more than 2 pumps - as we learned recently... thanks dude - forget your name.


Thanks, Stink - you've changed my thinking on growing in so many ways!
you would use your LPT1 port and then you'd have to do a whole bunch of electrical wiring and soddering, i have some know how of this but wouldn't even dare to touch this, this is advanced

but of course a bit of reading will help you succeed, i don't have the time....:weed:

You could also use a USB port...basically you can use any port that relays info to the computer if you have the know how.
OK I like the looks of that timer, it seems like it would work great for this purpose. How complicated is it to hook up a relay, cus I don't want to have to buy 3 of those to be able to run all the pumps. 2 if I have to, but 1 would be great, can that be wired? Or would I need atleast 2?
Oh and as regards the computer operated grow system, with sensors, and monitors. I think that it would probably be very easily done if the right person was asked. They already have all kinds of digital monitors, and for someone who knows electronics, I bet it would be fairly simple to link it all up.
Hey Thundercat - I believe we are waiting a parts list and some instructions from one of our kind brothers on how to rig up a relay for the pumps... I am no electrician, but I assume it would be similar to this light relay...


A retail alternative...


Ideally, I would like to control all 5 pumps with one timer - that would be a 40A draw though if they all went on at once! ...I'll probably need an electrician - dammit! I don't think I'm ready to try and run my own 50A / 220 circuit! How do you tackle this, Stinkbud? You on multiple timers - one for flower and one for clones and veg? Am I correct in understanding that 3 pumps will require 24A plus headroom (8A draw at startup x 3) - so 30A for 3 pumps? Somebody, please set me straight on how to do this properly!