harvest at night or day?


Well-Known Member
yep i suggest night might as well let them get there last day of light and then less chance of someone seeing u or something at night


Well-Known Member
do it right before sunrise. this is the best time to harvest any plant because it puts out THC while in the dark. that is why a lot of people finish up by leaving their plants in the dark for a few days. also the least amount of chemicals are present in the buds


Well-Known Member
yeah this is one question you wont just get one answer too...
yet no one can really explain when they should be done... I have looked into a few posts and the general consesus is...

regarding when to harvest herbs..

Harvesting Herbs
Herbs should be harvested when the oils responsible for flavor and aroma are at their peak. Proper timing depends on the plant part you are harvesting and the intended use. Herbs grown for their foliage should be harvested before they flower.

  • Harvest early in the morning, after the dew dries, but before the heat of the day.

I have personally noticed the plants look like they are dripping wet about 30-60 mins after the sun hits them in the am


Well-Known Member
best time is just before dawn,its more to do with taste then anything, the cannabinoids are in the trichs...peace