Harvest Day Black Domina


Well-Known Member
I am so glad I just stumbled onto this thread, I have a few questions I'd like to ask you guys. first of all FDD2blk I noticed you said you got bunk black domina seeds, you didn't get them in a little case that said california bean bank did you? Because I was just in cali a few weeks ago and managed to get Black Domina genetics from the Farmacy in west hollywood. the case says its from the california bean bank, I hope I don't have bad genetics... secondly I wanted to give props to you for such a nice looking grow unity, and I was wondering how exactly you use clearex? But I am going to be doing a soil grow and not hydro... so i guess it works differently. I was told to mix the solution and use about a gallon of the solution per every gallon of soil I had, and to do that about a week before harvest. Does that sound about right? Also I wanted to ask a question about CO2, you said that you used CO2 throughout the entire time you were growing right? I have heard before that CO2 only really helps the plant significantly during vegative growth... has anybody else heard about this?
Interesting that you say west Hollywood, because that's were we got the clones:mrgreen: I mix Clearex with plain ro water and run it through for 4 days, and then I flush with water another 6 days. Earl told me that it is ok not to ph the plain ro at the end, which seems to work fine, they are still taking up the water.
I used co2 for the entire grow, some say to cut it back the last two weeks of flower, with great results! Not without triggering a host of new heat and humidity problems though:evil: I'm rebuilding my grow space right now with the goal to achive a 100% sealed room with no AC, co2 injection, backdraft dampers and all the rest I need:twisted: Currently I go through a 20 pound tank in about 7 days (very inefficient) My temps hank around 84 -86 degrees during lights on (I want them lower) I think I can do it by moving my grow into the garage instead the 2nd floor closet:mrgreen: A lot of work though, I'll keep you guys posted, since there is a lot of people interested in co2 without ac:mrgreen:

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Well-Known Member
I do not care about weight that much but do like to know the overall water content. So, what percentage of original weight should I have left? The stuff seems to be very heavy for its overall size.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
you lose 70 to 80 percent of the weight after drying
70 80? that sounds high. Are you talking about Black Domina or just buds in general? I have read a couple of different places that its 50 60% wieght loss in curing.

By the way, I am not correcting you, I'm new to this and trying to soak up as much knowledge as poss so I maximise my chances of a successful grow..


Active Member
Awesome! I am so happy to hear that I actually got good genetics! Its funny though that you went to west hollywood to get the clones because that means that me, you, and FDD all have the same exact genetics... its really interesting to see the differences between yours and FDD's though, with you using hydro and him soil, and you topped and he didn't. The crystalization of yours looks much nicer but that always happens with a hydro grow over soil, however I myself still prefer soil so I can say 100% organic... but thats just me... maybe i'll give in one day and go hydro...


Well-Known Member
70-80 percent is accurate for example 100 grams dries out to about 30 grams.ive grown many strains (never black domina )and loose 70-80 every time.So i want to be clear neither one of you has actuall black domina from sensi seeds. correct.


Well-Known Member
70-80 percent is accurate for example 100 grams dries out to about 30 grams.ive grown many strains (never black domina )and loose 70-80 every time.So i want to be clear neither one of you has actuall black domina from sensi seeds. correct.
i bought these at my local "club". i don't know where they are coming from but the cracked in 12 hours and were very healthy. IMG_3760.jpg


Active Member
I think those plants look really good. dont be so down on yourself. Mine are about the same stage and they look the same as mine. We just have a diffrent strain thats all. I do agree though his do look awsome.


Well-Known Member
70-80 percent is accurate for example 100 grams dries out to about 30 grams.ive grown many strains (never black domina )and loose 70-80 every time.So i want to be clear neither one of you has actuall black domina from sensi seeds. correct.
That is correct, I got mine at a dispensary, well technically I was waiting in the car due to the 'one dude in only' policy :mrgreen: I also got my OG from there at the same time, don't know what to think of it yet, I always compare it to the BD and it just pales in comparison :cry:



Well-Known Member
that is some of the frostiest bud ive ever seen. +rep for you, damnnn is right.

I love california. and you.


Well-Known Member
yea i agree... that third pic could easily be the pic they use to show off on the seed package! what did u use to take the picture with? its info for ma girl, photography major


Well-Known Member
ok, so im not from or in cali so i dont understand. i thought only registered growers were able to buy from a seed bank? club? (difference?) anyway, how the hell did u get that stuph in tha pic and could that be done in other places in tha US? be specific with states please.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
im growing b.domina in soil the good clone pheno is easy to grow and potent with much crystals but yields small. it is a very potent pure indica. are your b.domina's in soil?

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i think me and unity have the same dispensery black domina clone its a good plant. the only thing that is odd is the taste sort of spicey very different than say og kush:peace:


Well-Known Member
ok, so im not from or in cali so i dont understand. i thought only registered growers were able to buy from a seed bank? club? (difference?) anyway, how the hell did u get that stuph in tha pic and could that be done in other places in tha US? be specific with states please.
We have dispensaries here, they sell seeds, clones and different types of finished product. Clones are usually 15-25 bucks, but well worth it imo.
All you need is your MM (medical marijuana) card.
You can order seeds from anywhere in the world I think, with varying risks:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
i think me and unity have the same dispensery black domina clone its a good plant. the only thing that is odd is the taste sort of spicey very different than say og kush:peace:
Hey bicycle racer, did you try the OG yet from the same place? How long do they flower? Here are some pics of mine at 51 days flower. Don't know what to expect, it smells pine like with a bit of lemon scent. Very sticky, starting to frost, smaller trics though then the BD.


