Harvest/hermie issue


Active Member
Hi, I just finished my second medical harvest and everything looked great until I cut up the biggest yielding White Widow. We found on the lower part of plant a seeds at lower parts of a several buds. After close examination, I believe part of plant became hermie. Not sure what happened, but most of the buds especially top part of plant were unaffected. I probably got over 5 oz of good buds and found about 100 seeds.

My main question is I didn't see banana shoots or anything that tipped me off that it was turning hermie. I should have noticed in lower buds a few tiny seed pods but missed it. Do hermies sometimes not produce pollen sacks? Mystery my it hermied and now worried about genetics of that plant. I have two clones going into room next week from different White Widow plant, but seeds came from Herbies head Shop and were all part of same package. Would you abandon that genetics or keep clones because they were from different seed?


I’d keep em, no harm or foul in trying. If anything the clones might not hermie on you and you’ll end up with some pristine top shelf herbals!


Well-Known Member
It's hard to see them down low because they come right out under the buds.....when it only happens to lower flowers it's usually to much nitrogen in flower...they would of hermies around week 4 but as u said u didn't see them.....chem d xs does the same but when u pull the bananas straight away they don't come back......the weird thing is the clones rarely has the same problem....they grow fine....


Active Member
Thank you to all the replies. I appreciate the comments and help. I will setup extra time doing a more thorough examination more often on lower branches.


Well-Known Member
I have a girl right now that will self and give me a few seed per dried oz. Trich coverage is in full swing by 3-4 weeks but the intersexxing doesn't show up until week 7-8. I don't have an issue with surrounding plants because the bananas are enveloped in resin. None of her seeds have germinated yet. I've grown her and her clones a few times and have no plans of retiring her any time soon. In other words, an intersex trait isn't necessarily grounds for a culling ;) :leaf::peace::leaf: