Harvest hermie or let it finish?


So here's the deal one. One out of my four plants turned hermie(Afghan Kush). I was too late to catch it and most of the damage is already done. Most, if not all, the nanners have opened and it has already started producing seeds along with one other plant (Purple Wreck). The Purple Wreck was a sativa phenotype so it grew tall so most lower buds have seeds and the top colas seem to be just fine. The other two plants where probably too young when the pollination happened so I was thinking they might be ok. I have two weeks left on the Afghan Kush, should I let it finish or just count my losses?


Well-Known Member
oooooh, that's a fun dilemma to have.*

my personal preference is to let it finish, and get some seeds out of it. stick them in your doomsday box. or just plant them and see what ya get.

your mileage may vary.


Active Member
Hermie's have a higher probability of producing hermie offspring, if it's genuinely a true genetic hermie.

Are they from seeds or clones?


Well-Known Member
i have a couple of strains that my buddy gave me that were from freebie seeds and they tend to hermie as well. i always let them go, sometimes i get seeds and other times i don't.

in any case, it's a good enough problem to have, better than worrying about mold or rippers.


Active Member
Yeah, it could have been a genetic hermie, without having exact similar genes with different results you can't tell. I wouldn't risk using any of the seeds sadly :/

Those are the types of seeds i throw out in public places. hermies spread well.


on my first grow i used 6 bagseeds.... so if that seed came from a dispensary, then it should be hermie right? or am i missing something.well,
ALL 6 female, only 1 gave me 3 more seeds.

another occasion where I had another 6 bagseeds that all were female and NONE hermied on me....

so I dont know?????

just grow it!


Well-Known Member
i've never had much luck growing out the hermie seeds, but burwood did. so who knows? have fun experimenting :eyesmoke:


I never planned on growing the Afghan Kush again... not a big indica guy. I like hybrids and sativas, but I am interested in the seeds that may come from the purple wreck. Probably gonna grow those in my cfl box just for the heck of it


exactly UB, have fun!!
how can you not though right???
less ur a commercial grower..... but then you'd have a crapload of cash, and could have even more fun no?? lol