Harvest is near, sample was not that strong...


Active Member
I think I'm about 2 weeks away from harvest. I tried a sample last night that i had picked off my plant over a week ago to let it dry naturally. I'm a little worried because it didn't seem that strong. They are 1/2 white widow and 1/2 from good bag seed. Is there a big difference in thc strength if sampled 3 weeks early, or just slight difference?


Active Member
dont worry about it? white widow can take up to 12 weeks in flower, the bag seed however will very, if you dont know what strain they come from then they could be anything and the finish times will vary. go with the trichs 50% amber 50% clear or more amber if possible.
alot depends on your growing factors, ie... was they stressed at any point, or substrate you grow in.


Active Member
They are 13 weeks into flower now. The hairs are 50% amber but the trich's are still clear. I think they have gotten stressed a couple of times due to lighting and cooler temps so I guess that may have slowed them down a bit. The buds have grown wonderfully so far though. It just scared me a little when I sampled it. It was ok, but not the strength I was hoping for. I knew it would be weaker since I cut the sample 3 weeks early, but just wasn't sure how much of a difference in strength verses smoking when ready.


Active Member
when the trichs are at least 50% amber then try it, cut a small bud off then put it ontop of your reflector, withen a few hours it should be ready for a test smoke, from what you say i would give them an extra week or 2, but like another poster said it is in the last few weeks that things start to happen.


Active Member
personaly i would use a 600w, give them a quarter turn every day so all sides of plants get equal light. could be there is not enough light getting to them? but could be 101 other reasons, try adding more light if possable.
personaly i would use a 600w, give them a quarter turn every day so all sides of plants get equal light. could be there is not enough light getting to them? but could be 101 other reasons, try adding more light if possable.
Shit i use a 400 watt to flower 8 plants everything is all good i plan on upgrading to a 600 to bump yeild up some


Well-Known Member
Try again in 3 weeks you will see the difference, Personally i would just wait til its dried properly, Its never tasty or stinking until its been slow dried.