Harvest northern lights


New Member
Hi guys. New to the website. :)

I'll be making a journal of this specific grow later this day but not only that I have some question if anyone can help me.

Strain - northenlight automatic

Indoor growth yet she had some days in the sun (I have a balcony)

She is 25 cm

Was transplanted 2 times (because I didn't knew that I shouldn't transplant an automatic before planting it... Stupid I know)

She had a broke lower steem in early veg, so all these factors made her smaller than I wanted it to be. Still she is a short strain for all I know.

My set is a mess because Im not able to get a good set now (legal problems)

So what I used for her was 2 clfs and 2 led bulbs (is what I had available at home)

She had no air circulating whatsoever tho because I don't have the equipment. And she wasn't on the balcony because last 3 months were cold as hell here..

So I know she's small and all but all I want is help to know more or less when I should harvest her. I do not have a jewelry lupe to watch the trichs but it's coming. All I can give you is this info and photos.

Some people told me that I should give her 1 week more.

She is 2 months and 2 weeks now
Seed company says she is ready in 10 weeks but it's passed that and she was not ready yet.

I simply want a honest opinion on what should I do with this info.

Thank you guys :)


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breeder info is subject to interpretation...usually.
I am a believer in the trichome theory. So, I would recommend that if they are in the developmental stage you desire, chop it.
I prefer all cloudy slightly amber for my indicas, which I believe NL is.

Anyways, great looking little plant. Haters gonna hate bro, you got some free smoke incoming.

Best of luck growing!
breeder info is subject to interpretation...usually.
I am a believer in the trichome theory. So, I would recommend that if they are in the developmental stage you desire, chop it.
I prefer all cloudy slightly amber for my indicas, which I believe NL is.

Anyways, great looking little plant. Haters gonna hate bro, you got some free smoke incoming.

Best of luck growing!

Pleasure Dabbie!
i bought them from royalseedqueen!
i will post the info they provide when i do the journal, but yes the 10 weeks they talk about, with the set i have, simply wont work.
maybe if i had better lights and conditions, 10 weeks would do, but yeah, im trying to get an hold of equipment in local stores because im affraid i get notified buying products to grow weed from outside my country!
Yes it is an indica!:leaf::)
Well, i'll let haters hate, it is a small and poor plant, but i will smoke it nontheless, and i believe she'll taste good!!
and the work i put on it, makes me think its worth it.
Btw i had 2 plants before, but both died before harvest (3 years ago)
this is my first plant to come to harvest time, so yeah, noob as you might understand!

(i would like a more heavy high, so i presume i have to let it get more amber on trichs (?) im still reading a lot about it tho, i kinda do not know what i am talking about because i didn't research enought to get it right.

thanks :leaf:
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Pleasure Dabbie!
i bought them from royalseedqueen!
i will post the info they provide when i do the journal, but yes the 10 weeks they talk about, with the set i have, simply wont work.
maybe if i had better lights and conditions, 10 weeks would do, but yeah, im trying to get an hold of equipment in local stores because im affraid i get notified buying products to grow weed from outside my country!
Yes it is an indica!:leaf::)
Well, i'll let haters hate, it is a small and poor plant, but i will smoke it nontheless, and i believe she'll taste good!!
and the work i put on it, makes me think its worth it.
Btw i had 2 plants before, but both died before harvest (3 years ago)
this is my first plant to come to harvest time, so yeah, noob as you might understand!

(i would like a more heavy high, so i presume i have to let it get more amber on trichs (?) im still reading a lot about it tho, i kinda do not know what i am talking about because i didn't research enought to get it right.

thanks :leaf:
Well done Instead of you focusing on the negative things about your plant you should focus on all the good things that you did the plants survive it went through her whole life cycle you got some nice chunky buds for you to smoke to me is a win-win we all learn as we go there’s not one grower didn’t grow a couple shitty plans before they got their shit right