Harvest Quesion

ok so basically this is my first grow i vegged them out for month and a half under 400 watt HPS. 18/6

they showed sex and unfortunately 4 out of 6 were male :(
but being i wanted to do a test run on some bag seed to see if i have a green thumb im proud lol.

i have 4 fem seeds of Dinafem Sharkattack, Barneys Pineapple Chunk, and Super Haze (not super silver haze)

heres my question the buds on my bagseed are exploding with white hairs and are swelling up now.
Nutes being used ( botanicare PBP, Sweet, Hydroplex)
I want to harvest these bag seed bud so i can start on my good genetics.

what is the earliest i can harvest to have something buzz worthy and smokeable without flowering full term


Well-Known Member
So you want to ruin all of the work you've put in thus far just so you can put another plant in? Just because it was bagseed doesn't necessarily mean it'll be bagseed quality if grown the right way. You might as well just cut it down now, you'll be in the same boat either way.

If I were you, I'd put some pictures up so we can tell you approx how long is left, then once it gets within two weeks to chop germ a new seed so you can transplant it right after you cut.
hey i appreciate the response. from the information i gathered basically it seems like if the genetics are bad no matter how well of the environment its grown in, it will be basically the same.
so what im worried about is taking too much time on these 2 bagseed plants for no reason when i can start my good genetics.
i know where ur coming from though.

what would you say is an early harvest but can result in decent smokeable bud?
1 month flower? 2 month?


Well-Known Member
Yea, put some pics up, how long flower? check the trichs, if cloudy you could harvest and get a descent smoke, maybe not much to write home abt.
my wife has a digital cam so im gonna wait for her to be home and ill post pics.
they both have been flowering for about 3 and a half weeks.
last week i started using hydroplex on her and she responded amazingly.
i was so surprised how much she swelled up and got frosty.
and this is only bagseed wich is why i want to harvest dry and cure and start my good Genetics grow.
im a noob grower but am very booksmart on cannibus. but goes to show experience goes a longer way
i only read what you said so sorry if im repeating but i think you should just flower till there ready you'll be alot more happy when your smoking it..But if you do chop it down early make sure you give em a good curing...
-Best of Luck
She is nowhere near ready , even for an early chop. At least wait till half the hairs turn orange. Not saying I would but if u must and start your good gen now so they can a decent veg. Untill these get more mature. Good Luck.
whats an estimate in your opinion on how many more weeks to go?


Well-Known Member
Can you set up a cfl or T5 area somewhere? I would start my new seeds under that and let them get set. And in that time let the bagseed finish for the next 4 1/2 weeks. Then you will have 3-4 inch good baby's to start your veg with. And decent smoke.


Well-Known Member
3 1/2 weeks is way too early, should be 5 to 6 weeks and maybe ok to harvest but I doubt it. Why the rush? I know you want to grow good seeds but why throw away all you've done by now? at least if you wait you'd have descent smoke while growing the good seeds.
3 1/2 weeks is way too early, should be 5 to 6 weeks and maybe ok to harvest but I doubt it. Why the rush? I know you want to grow good seeds but why throw away all you've done by now? at least if you wait you'd have descent smoke while growing the good seeds.
yea im just gettin so excited to smoke my first grow. lol im like a little kid


Well-Known Member
yea insted cut off veg time .. but I guess thats to late now ..

atlest give here 3½ week more .. as some say .. wait untill she have 50% brown hairs ..

or even bettet invest 20$ in a 100x microcop (you might aswell now as you want it for you good gene plants) so you can see if you have all cloudy thricomes and maybe a few amber.. before you haverst ..

and yea do as Ppl. say .. and as I just did :D
Im in week 7 now of flowering .. and I just startet 4 small seedlings out side under 2 tube T5 a week ago so I have em ready ..


on of my Voilator Kush did germinate .. stupid VK .. so Im doing anoht LSD insted .. but yea .. they will be nice small Veg plants when my grow room is ready for em .. no hurry tho .. all they need now is light and some fresh air/co2 .. no smell or anything at this point ..


Active Member
Yup I agree with them all , wait at least 5 weeks and by then those good gen under the t5/8 will be a good size to go right in.... Good luck.


Active Member
unknown seeds dont mean bad...so maybe its a bad strain...but maybe its something awesome. Just do it right and make the best of your hardwork thus far...then smoke on that shit while your known batch grows up :)