Harvest question.


Active Member
You should be far enough along and harvest before you see any seeds, unless it threw some banana's earlier that you missed.


Thanks guys not as worried now.
I should only have about a week left till harvest. I'll just keep a close eye on them.


11th week of flower now and all the hairs have turned color but the trichs still look clear/cloudy.
Just wondering about how long they have left?


Buds have started to foxtail as well. Other than that hairs are all red and trichs still look mostly clear.
Any advice how close I might be? This is my first real grow and I don't want to harvest shitty buds.
Thanks guys.


Active Member
give them a week more, have the buds themselves turned an autumn color. you wont harvest shitty bud as long as you dont harvest to early or to late. early as in 6-9 weeks and late as in 14-18 weeks. Some do flower longer tho. I harvested at week 10 and now am thinkin it was to early mostly cloudy, but i wasnt goin for couch lock either. alwells live and learn while high


Thanks blazin.
The buds are still looking good, frosty with red hairs. There swelling up nice so I'm guessing not too much longer. I'll just have to sit it out and wait.