Harvest Questions


Can somebody please tell me if I can cut the buds that are ready to be harvested and let my plant bloom to finsih off the buds that arent ready to harvest? I am in week 6 of bloom and most of the top buds seem ready but the lower do not I have added flourecents to the lower buds and they have started to grow some but still are not ready.


Thank you' how do I go about this, do I cut on an angle or straight cut and how much should I cut off each plant at a time?


Active Member
now that i cant answer without a pic.. sorry. im not that good haha.. someone will be able to tell you exactly somewhere on here though..

happy dayz...


Thanks, I will post a few pics when the lights come on in a few hours, please check back later tongiht, cheers :)


Well-Known Member
start from the top down or outwards inwards, lower buds can take days extra to mature


Well-Known Member
alot of ppl harvest like this. no sense in cuttin buds that arent ready yet, so the buds that u can see are ready chop em, and the ones that arent leave to ripen


if you cut at the main stalk drop your lights like it was the top and if you can get som type of vertical action that will help alot,if your top that your cutting is even canopy or your just cutting a few why not wait a few weeks more 6 weeks is pretty short unless it's an auto if not and there are no clear trich left and no amber I suggest wait at least till you have some amber on the top and then cut that way the lower will increase and you'll need less time to harvest them.I've harvest the top layer and feed the lady again for about a week and then flush again and then leave the plant to dry out so your branches will dry quicker,look it up it's called a dual harvest or double.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
You want to cut about a half inch above the next level you of buds you want to ripen. The more stem you leave, the more nutes may get lost along the way.


Thanks alot guys, I will post some pics can you please let me know if you think the tops are ready, if not how much longer should I give them?


Im not sure if the images are showing up correct, how do I insert an image? I clicked on the insert image icon and it showed up as attachments but when I click on them its all script' please help! Never mind I finally got it to work.