Harvest right freeze dryer

Keep in mind, these guys are trying to sell you something but I've read else where that harvest rights home and pharmaceutical driers dont produce the best results when drying flower.
Where? I was seriously considering getting the crop to cure bundle. We spend a lot of time and space hanging. Just seemed like it would make harvest slower but create a lot less down time. But it is super expensive....
It's their customer service, on paper it's bad ass but from day one out of the box it didn't work and then their support is like no, we're not gonna stand by our product but congrats your our new tech and you get paid in replacement hoses and on off valves. But oh no don't put on a good one you bought, it'll void the warranty. That's their go to statement, "void the warranty" can't even touch it without instructions from my "new boss" at harvest advantage without it voiding the warranty. Sorry guys had to vent, don't be like me, buy the cannacure if your split between the two. If it was a brown box cannacure advertised the best drying system the the world has ever seen they would be closer to the truth than harvest advantage, plus I'd have two for what I spent
Same, I wish I could afford a small freeze dryer. Perhaps there are other better options out there. Thanks so much for sharing your experience! Too bad it's a shit product
Same, I wish I could afford a small freeze dryer. Perhaps there are other better options out there. Thanks so much for sharing your experience! Too bad it's a shit product
Don't gotta tell me pal. Like I'm to the point I love th idea. When it works that 10 percent as how it should its awsome, unfortunately I spent 3g on a product that 1/10 times works.
Even when working correctly, it dries to 3-4% moisture. That's the same as dirt! 8-12% is preferred for smoking. I know they have a different software version for cannabis flowers. Call Nick/Harvest Right and ask him.
Out of curiosity what is the issue you are having that is causing the runs to fail?

I assume you have trouble pulling a deep vacuum?

Keep in mind, these guys are trying to sell you something but I've read else where that harvest rights home and pharmaceutical driers dont produce the best results when drying flower.

So right now I have a medium harvest right freeze dryer in my arsenal. However it's running the newest edition of the software, and I have not found a recipe for freeze drying hash on this software. This is also my first freeze dryer. I got lost in a video because it said "Shelf" temperature and "Dry time." I have "Initial Freeze" and "drying time." following a youtube video, I learned the best freeze time was 9 hours and drying time was 10. but with the parameters I had to make on my machine I chose "Initial Freeze: 0F for 9hours and drying time 45f for 11 hours. Would this be ideal for bubble hash? thank you.