harvest super skunk auto,s ?


Hi all ,

First grow , i got a few super skunk autos for outside. they have are days till 45-50 harvest. I started them early , march21st , so they are pretty small . they are already 60 days old , sholud i harvest them , or will they get anymore bud ? They are tiny biggest about 20cm , so just wondering if i should leave em n hope for a bit more bud or harvest them .



Well-Known Member
Can you pot some pics pls?.

auto super skunk only lasts for 56 days (8 Weeks) but we will need to see the trinches before we can confirm.


Well-Known Member
If thats the buds then jeeze u messed em up id get a scope and look zt trichome they look kike they have only just started to bud


yer thats what i mean , there is hardly any bud at all. I started with 10 plants but 3 turned hermie so i yanked them out. The seeds where feminized , but apparently i may have shocked them and a few turned hermie. would that have stuffed these ones up ? could these have turned hermie as well , thus hardly any bud ??? now im spinning because i have another bunch of babies sat beside this lot !!!!! Do i need to get these away from the babies, the babies are about 4 weeks n still really short as well. I thought this would be due to the Euro summer having not really started yet n not too much sun etc .
ok so heres another couple of shots.
can someone also tell me what trinches are , i cant actually find the answer anywhere.
Thanks for any help for a first time grower.



It's bud but... I'm sorry troy, that happened to me once when I transferred from cups and damaged the roots.
yes i read that re-potting auto isnt a good thing and they are easily damaged. in which case i have a whole bunch more that will be the same. my next 10 are healthy but at 4 weeks still really short ,ie 15cm max


Well-Known Member
Iam doing my first autos there about 9 days from sprout and there half the size of yours but then again iam inside under a 400w mh